- 主要技术: 1.对常见控件的使用(如:TStrings、TStringList、Tlist) 2.数据库链接:常见的数据访问技术(ADO技术,BDE技术) TadoConnection(数据链接)/TadoQuery(数据集)控件, TDataModule数据模块使用, 读取配置文件 3.事件驱动编程: 窗体事件(OnActivate,OnCreate,OnShow)键盘事件(KeyPress),鼠标事件(MouseMove),定时事件(Timer) 4.动态生成组件
- delphi TStringList ,TStings,TLIST 的替换单元。 高效率。-delphi TStringList, TStings, TLIST Replacement unit. High efficiency.
- 激光演示系统控制程序。通过在电脑上的一块12位的DAC板来控制振镜按照输入的图形进行振动,这样演示用的一束激光束就可以被快速运动的振镜反射往不同的方向,由于人眼的视觉暂留,就可以在幕墙上显示出所输入的画面。本软件利用OLE直接导入CorelDraw所画的图形,省去了自己去添加业余的图形制作系统,并且使用了一个自己编写的轮廓轨迹算法,使OLE所形成的位图能够转换成连续点的轨迹,坐标记录在C++ Builder提供的TList链表中。有机会的话可以把CorelDraw改成动态的Flash,以达到动态
- 单向链表模板程序,可以在VC++下直接编译执行-TList
- 列出系统运行的进程并KILL某些进程,tlist 可以列出系统中正在运行的进程,kill 工具可以*进程,COMMON文件是公共函数-Set out the process of system operation and KILL some process, tlist system can list running processes, kill kill the process tool, COMMON document is a public function
- 用链表实现的迷宫游戏,该链表TList是一个模板类链表-Achieved with the maze game list, the list is a template class TList list
- Sample program demonstrating the use of a TList in a GUI type program
- This a HEAVILY optimized version of Borland s ScktComp unit.It works in exactly the same fashion and supports all of it s Win32 functionality except using only 10 of the original vcl overhead. Also included is a TList, TStream and TThread
- 1. 使用 Canvas->CopyRect() 分割图片 2. 动态产生物件 3. 使用 TList 储存元件 4. srand, random 产生乱数的方法 5. 产生不重复乱数(抽牌法) -1. Using Canvas-> CopyRect () split image 2. Dynamically generated object 3. Use TList storage components 4. Srand, random way to gener
- 任务管理器,VC++开发,初学者用,功能较Windows差不多-Task Manager
- TExprCalc is a Delphi component written around the original Parser.dll. The original parser has been modified and the Symbol table changed to a TList. This made it possible to create the parser for 16 and 32 bit. It is no longer a DLL but an
- 一个基于Delphi的纯OOP方式的MRP计算引擎,不过他与一般的MRP有些区别,本示例演示了如何使用ODAC从ORACLE中取上百W条数据,保存为Stream,从Stream中加载数据到TList中,再以面向对象的方式进行运算。-A pure Delphi OOP-based approach MRP calculation engine, but some of his differences with the general MRP, this example demonstrates h
- 链表的插入,删除,翻转,查找等功能的实现,数据结构的基本操作内容。- tList of insert, and delete, flip list of insert, and delete, flip, search, the realization of the function of he basic operation of the data structure content.
- 自己写的list模板类,模板编程入门示例-Write your own list template class, template programming started example
- C++ Builder TList相关查询,查找功能,源代码实例程序!
- Delphi 的矩阵库,可以实际动态数组,矩阵产实现搜索等功能-Vectors is a class library for Object Pascal (Delphi 1, 3-7, Borland C++ Builder, Borland Kylix, Free Pascal v.1.0 and higher) which implements vectors (dynamically sized arrays) based on different Object Pascal s
- There is collection of base classes to simplify your own array classes creation. It is not TList descendant! Some classes supports fast indexing and searching.
- Delphi7源码实例:使用TDBGrid控件中处理多个记录, BookmarkList : TBookmarkList Strings : Tstrings) 过程中的参数分别为:数据表、字段名称、书签、用来保存所选字段内容的字符串(用于将内容传递到另一个单独窗体中的TLIST控件中)。每个选择的记录都有一个书签标志,这就为处理它们提供了条件。-Delphi7 source code examples: Using the TDBGrid control handle multiple rec
- This game provides the framework for a future version with computer play. Here we ll define the basic drawing strategy, an array of 9 TPiece objects defining the gallows and hanging man. A TList component is an ideal place to keep a list of objects -