- (17.7k) ComLib demonstrates how to create a COM library. The zip contains two projects, one for the library and one for the test programme. There is also a readme.txt. Don t forget to register the dll before trying to run the test app from a console
- GTASAMP---原版SAMP的注册脚本(0.3c)--欢迎下载-GTASAMP--- original SAMP registration scr ipt (0.3c)- welcome to download
- Example of how to hide process & registry keys for a rootkit.
- ALU 指令格式(16位) op DR SR fun 0--3 4—7 8--11 12--15 指令类 OP码 指令 FUN 功能描述 控制 0000 NOP 0000 空指令 HLT 0001 停机 有条件跳转 0010 JZ 0000 Z=1,跳转 JC 0001 C=1,跳转 JNC 0010 C=0,跳转 JNZ 0100 Z=0,跳转 Jump 0101 无条件跳转 LOAD 001
- 用于破解软件,很不错的,好好利用把同志们,-Software used to break
- 实现一个注册协议的遮罩层弹窗效果,点击同意后弹窗消失,点击不同意的话跳转到指定页面。-Achieve the effect of a mask layer of the registration agreement pop, pop click to agree to disappear, click on the do not agree, then jump to the specified page.
- wince下的正则表达的解析源码,如何使用起参考例子程序-wince under the regular expression parsing source code, how to use the program from Reference Example
Windows Xp Reg To
- 破解windows xp(RC1版本)安装注册码的程序
- 购物系统~含其他会员下载一次您上载的源码,您的可用下载数就会增加1次-Shopping System ~ with other members to download once you upload the source code, you will increase the number of available downloads 1st
- 120项XP操作系统注册表键值优化方案包,对操作系统的优化处理很有好处,让你的系统更安全,更迅速-120 XP operating system registry key to optimize the program package, the optimization of the operating system is very good, so that your system more secure, more quickly
- 模块说明 为方便注册表读写操作的接口 模块编译 编译成LIB,静态连接。使用Regedit.h -Module Descr iption To facilitate the operation of the registry to read and write interface module compiled compiler LIB, static connections. Use Regedit.h
- 绿色版,功能强大,免安装! 需要的朋友可以考虑下。-Green Edition, a powerful, free installation! Need to be considered under friends.
- C# 写的一个百度用户注册机 虽然没有注释 但是相当简单 仅供学习交流使用-C# Write a Zhuceji Baidu users did not comment but the exchange is quite simple to use for learning
- 右键注册程序delphi源码 可自由添加右键菜单-Right-registration procedures are free to add source code delphi menu
- 对图像实现骨架化操作、提取边界、执行图像开运算度、增强图像对比度并提取文本图像中的某些字符对象。-Implementation of the image skeleton operation, extraction of the border, the implementation of open computing degree images to enhance image contrast and to extract the text of some of the characters
- 利用于图象处理,对多角度拍摄的照片进行清晰化处理,可用于卫星图片的处理.-Use in image processing, multi-angle photographs of treatment to clear, can be used in the satellite picture of the treatment.
- 想学习reg过程的点进来试试,会对你有一些帮助,内涵sas源代码(Trying to learn from the reg process will help you with the SAS source code.)
- convert bin tor reg file
- dump hasp and convert to reg format
hasp usb emulator加密狗驱动
- hasp usb emulator 1. Dump dongle with PVA 3.3 util with out Brute WP selected. 2. Solve the DMP file using f1_nodongle (10x to cEnginEEr) util, you should get XXXX.SSP file (~100kb). 3. Use UniDumpToReg util to convert the SSP to REG. Inside UniDumpT