- Emulates an serial to usb adapter with pic18f4550 internal uart and usb connection. It can communicate with any serial port via max232 interface chip.
- IBM-PC/XT异步通信适配器采用INS8250串口通信芯片,她是构成RS-232C标准通信电压接口的核心部分部件,再加上RS-TTL电平转换芯片SN75150(TTL- RS-232)或MC1488和SN75154(RS232- TTL)或MC1489就实现INS8250异步收发器TTL电平与RS232电平之间的相互转换。-IBM-PC/XT asynchronous communications adapter with INS8250 serial communication chips
- 本系统设计利用FPGA设计了一个接在电脑串口上的一个DMX512协议的转接卡,它可以让你的电脑变成一台超强的电脑灯控制台或者调光台、LED控制器等。通过电脑软件,可以控制电脑灯或者其他DMX512协议的设备,比如LED灯、激光灯、PAR灯、DJ设备等等。 本系统还有体积小巧携带方便等特点,足够一般的娱乐场所、多功能厅、会议厅等场所使用,同时采用电脑进行灯光的控制,也可以提升工程的技术含量,显得更高科技。通过简单更改DMX模块的UART部分,还可以将串口转换usb接口,不过由于手头上的FPGA
- The Evaluation Kit for the RS9110-N-11-22 module offers users a flexible way of evaluating the features and performance of the module comprehensively. The kit consists of an evaluation board (EVB) with the module mounted, a serial cable, a USB po
- The Evaluation Kit for the RS9110-N-11-22 module offers users a flexible way of evaluating the features and performance of the module comprehensively. The kit consists of an evaluation board (EVB) with the module mounted, a serial cable, a USB po
- The Evaluation Kit for the RS9110-N-11-22 module offers users a flexible way of evaluating the features and performance of the module comprehensively. The kit consists of an evaluation board (EVB) with the module mounted, a serial cable, a USB po
- 母板通过FR232R芯片及其外围电路实现USB接口转UART(TTL电平)接口,并提供自定义的双列插针扩展接口;功能子板则分为RS232接口和TTL接口两种,并可根据需要设计RS485/RS422/CAN总线接口。-Motherboard chip by FR232R USB interface and its peripheral circuit switch UART (TTL level) interface, and provide a custom double-row pin exp
- UART communication between a UART-USB adapter and a PC. The adapter si connected to UART1 of the Energy Micro starter kit EFM32G890F128 to pin PD0 and PD1. The program sends and receives bytes in asynchronous mode.
- AVR309 USB协议转换到UART的简单介绍-AVR309 Adapter
- ESP8266 WiFi SoC offers a complete and self-contained Wi-Fi networking solution it can be used to host the application or to offload Wi-Fi networking functions another application processor. When ESP8266 hosts the application, it boots up directl
DA14681 uart adapter
- 本文主要介绍DA14681 UART ADAPTER的使用。利用SDK中提供的ADAPTER,可以方便地使用各种外设,如IIC、SPI、UART等。(This paper mainly introduces the use of DA14681 UART ADAPTER. The use of SDK provided in ADAPTER, you can easily use a variety of peripherals, such as IIC, SPI, UART and so on
- Arduino Library for Freematics OBD-II UART Adapter Distributed under BSD License