- 一个比较完整串口通信程序vc++源代码 相信大家看后一定会有收获的!-a relatively complete serial communication program source code vc i believe we will certainly have to see after harvest!
- 前面我写过一篇《一个完善的ODBC数据库程序》,大家可能看到过,有鼓励,也有批评,但是所有这一切只有一个目的就是学好vc。我学习vc已有接近一年的时间,水平菜鸟级,而vc知识库给大家提供了一个交流的地方,大家相互学习,共同提高。感谢vc知识库各版版主!!! 在《一个完善的ODBC数据库程序》我提到完善它的很多方面,做一个小软件。我按这个思路做下去,实现了一些基本功能。程序采用对话框,界面按属性页的方式分为两部分: “班级成绩”和“年级成绩”。 -front, i wrote another
- 转载如果侵犯产权,不负责任,本程序完全参照龚建伟《串口调试助手V2.2》制作而成,原软件是用vc编写的,我将它改用Delphi编写,作为我学习串口编程的一个例子与工具使用。,reproduced if infringe on property rights, irresponsible and totally based on the procedures Dan "serial debugging assistant V2.2" produced, the original
- vc++读写Excel文件,经本人证实成功了的-vc to read and write Excel files, after i confirmed the success of
- 基于结构特征的虹膜识别源码 vc++,我自己看过编译过,不错的。-Based on the structural characteristics of the iris recognition source vc++, i have seen compiled, not bad at all.
- 本人用vc写的一个用来关闭进程的小程序。目的是针对某些可恶的流氓软件的进程。方便使用。把你想要关闭的可恶进程名称改下,编译就可以了。-vc i used to write a process used to close the applet. Aimed at certain abominable rogue software process. Ease of use. You want to shut down the process of name change of the hateful
- 这是我下载的一个网络斗地主的C++源码,很不错的学习资源哟-This is what i downloaded a network斗地主the C source code, it is a good learning resources yo
- C++精华贴合集。从各大网站,论坛收集的精华贴子,相信大家遇到的一些问题大部分可以在这里找到,解决。-C++ best paste Collection. From the major sites, to collect the essence of the forum postings, i believe that everyone most of some of the problems encountered can be found here to solve.
- 我毕业设计做的一款3D游戏,看看,如果在此基础上继续开发,绝对比《仙剑》还要好的-i graduated from design to do a 3D game to see if on this basis to continue the development of an absolute than " 仙剑" still good
- 3D界面游戏,点击鼠标可发射不同颜色的圆环,伴随着发射声音,圆环沿着鼠标方向快速飞行,当遇到障碍物时,会按照反射方向飞行。可移动鼠标来确定3D空间物景发射的角度,游戏场景清晰,感觉像玩网游一样,身临其境~~···试试看哦,-3D game interface, click the mouse to launch the ring in different colors, along with the launch of the voice of the mouse along the circl
- DTS在vc上的代码,我改动了其中量化部分,将其一部分浮点运算改为了定点。-DTS code base on vc, i quantify some of these changes, will be replaced by its part of the fixed-point floating-point operations.
- 用vc操作XML,包括建立,取值,遍历..等!~可以当作配置文件来使用,相当于ini文件一样,扩展性非常不错-vc operations with XML, including the establishment, values, traversal, etc. ..! ~ Can be used as the configuration file to use, equivalent to the same ini file, scalability is very good
- 分析了L iN 总线协议的特点、报文帧结构及校验方法, 以V isual C+ + 6. 0 为开发平台, 利用W indow s A P i 函数通过PC 机的RS232 口实现了基于L iN 总线协议的串口通信. 给出了实现的部分流程图及代码, 在通信过程中 选择简便的奇偶校验及和校验进行差错校验, 保证了数据的无差错传输.-分析了L iN 总线协议的特点、报文帧结构及校验方法, 以V isual C++ 6. 0 为开发平台, 利用W indow s A P i 函数通过PC
- 此C程序源程序文件夹包含了6个小游戏,其中有扫雷、贪吃蛇、迷宫、炸弹人这些经典游戏,也有适合小学生检查学习的加法游戏,还有用rectangle画方形的源程序。我还是一个初学者,希望通过贵网站学到更多!-This C program source folder contains 6 small game, including mine clearance, Snake, maze, bombs were these classic games, but also checks for studen
- vc下的socket编程,ipv6测试程序示例。-vc socket under the program, ipv6 test program example.
- vc设计i形开发经典代码vc i-shaped development of the classical code design -vc i-shaped development of the classical code design
- 基于vc6.0串口通讯上位机温度软件,可以画出实时曲线,显示时间和接收的温度,我花了很长时间才搞定。-PC-based serial communication vc6.0 temperature software, you can draw the curve in real time, display time and receive the temperature, i took a long time to get it.
- 一个比较完整串口通信程序vc++源代码 相信大家看后一定会有收获的!--a relatively complete serial communication program source code vc i believe we will certainly have to see after harvest!
- 汽车压双黄线编程代码,基于vc++,代码附有相信解释-Automotive pressure double yellow lines of programming code, based vc++, i believe the code with explanation
vc++ 视频捕获录像程序源代码
- 这是自由代码,你可在合法范围内任意使用,复制,修改,加到自己的作品中. 祝你学习进步!事业有成!(This is a free code that you can use, copy, modify, and add to your own work within the legal scope. i wish you progress in learning and success in your career!)