- 这是我见过的最详细的PCI9054的驱动程序了,希望对大家的学习有帮助!而且写得比较清晰易懂-This is the most detailed I' ve seen the driver of the PCI9054, the learning we want to help! Written in easy to understand and more clear
- 挂驱动杀进程!易语言应该是我用过的最好的挂驱动了(杀毒可能报毒,请信任)-Hanging drive to kill the process! Easy language should be the best I' ve ever used to hang driven (antivirus may report drug, please trust)
YH-340 USB转串口驱动
- 我用过的最好用的串口驱动,真的很棒很棒很棒很棒很棒很棒很棒很棒(The best serial driver I've ever used is really great, great, great, great, great, great)
- 过NP驱动保护,但是有时候会出三方 不过不耽误我们分析 出三方不用管(Overlooking for game base is illegal)