- 这是一个用C#编写的秒表程序,它根据你的设定时间(分钟)计时,到时自动弹出并发出三声Beep音(音量可调)或用Beep音唱出一首歌(节奏内设)-This is a C# prepared by the stopwatch procedures, which you have set time (minutes) time. when pop-up and issued three Beep Sound Voice (adjustable volume) or Beep sound sing a
- C-ray is a volume raycasting software optimized for Cell Broadband Engine. It is aimed at achieving interactive volume rendering on a very large volumetric data by taking advantage of all the strong features of the Cell B.E.
- 1.模拟并发进程共享的临界资源m1、m2,它联系着两个信号量sem1、sem2. 2.模拟并发进程的运行现场:通用寄存器i,程序计数器addr. 3.模拟三个并发进程.-1. Simulation of the process of sharing with the critical resources m1 and m2, it is tied to the volume of two signals sem1, sem2. 2. Simulation of the process of ru
- 问题描述: 假设一个商店,它有一个货架和一个仓库,当货架上的商品数量少于一定的数目时,从仓库运一定数量的商品摆到货架上,当仓库里的商品的数量少于一定的数目时,购买商品把仓库填满,商品的出售要按照商品的生产日期来,快要过期的商品要先出售。 解决问题的方法: 用了两个栈和 一个队列,把队列当作仓库,用一个栈作为货架,把另一个栈当作临时的存储箱。当要往货架上添商品时,先把作为货架的栈中的元素全都压到作为存储箱的栈中,再把仓库中的元素压到存储箱中,然后再把存储箱中的所有元素都压到货架上,这样,就能保证快
IIS_Creater C# IIS 批量建站工具源码
- C# IIS 批量建站工具源码 ,可以批量利用域名批量搭建网站,免去重复搭建网站重复设置的麻烦-C# IIS-volume source website builder
学习 .zip.rar
- 某贸易中心共10层,设有载客电梯1部。为了处理问题的方便,有以下的限定条件: (1) 电梯的运行规则是:可到达每层。 (2) 每部电梯的最大乘员量均为K人(K值可以根据仿真情况在10~20人之间确定)。 (3) 仿真开始时,电梯随机地处于其符合运行规则的任意一层,为空梯。 (4) 仿真开始后,有N人(>20人)在该国际贸易中心的1层,开始乘梯活动。 (5) 每个人初次所要到达的楼层是随机的,开始在底层等待电梯到来。 (6) 每个人乘坐电梯到达指定楼层后,再随机地去往
- C#+AE9.2实现GIS基本功能(浏览、编辑、量算长度面积、五种专题图) 浏览、编辑、量算长度面积、专题图,并非采用AE自带的toolbox实现,C#+ AE9.2 to achieve the basic functions of GIS (browse, edit, count the length of the volume of area, five kinds of thematic maps) to browse, edit, count the length of the vo
- iphone上音频录制以及播放的源代码,以及自定义界面、音量条的显示,iphone on the audio recording and playback of the source code, as well as the custom interface, the volume shows that Article
- VolumeMeter (Managed DirectX) This project is a live volume meter control for monitoring audio levels from a sound card. It is written entirely in C#, and uses Microsoft s Managed DirectX (June release). You can drag-and-drop the control into any W
- C++语言AUSM+格式,有限体积法,注释也不是太多-C-AUSM+ format, finite volume method
- 音量控制芯片PT2314程序,带AT24C02记忆功能,红外遥控功能,编码器调节音量,LCD1602显示屏显示,按键扫描等功能-PT2314 chip volume control program, with AT24C02 memory function, infrared remote control encoder to adjust the volume, LCD1602 display shows key-scan functions
- CFD,基于有限体积法的,Roe以及AUSM+up格式的C语言程序-CFD, based on the finite volume method, Roe and AUSM+ up format of C language program
- With the award-winning book Agile Software Development: Principles, Patterns, and Practices, Robert C. Martin helped bring Agile principles to tens of thousands of Java and C++ programmers. Now .NET programmers have a definitive guide to agile met
- 模糊算法,实现了求交法计算模糊蕴含关系、最大最小法进行合成运算、求并法计算输出量的模糊集合、加权平均法计算实际的清晰控制量等部分的详细代码。-Fuzzy algorithm, the realization of the intersection method to calculate fuzzy implication relations, max-min method for synthesis of computing, and method for output fuzzy sets,
- 数据类型:基本数据类型(包括常量和变量),构造数据类型(包括数组类型,结构类型,联合类型),指针类型,空类型(其类型说明符为void)四大类。 整形量包括:整形常量,整型变量。整形常量就是整常熟。使用的整常数有八进制,十进制,十六进制三种。 -Data types: basic data types (including constants and variables), structural data types (including array type, structure typ
- Unix Network Programming TheSocketsNetworking API VOLUME 1 (THIRD EDITION) .chm格式英文版电子书及随书示例源代码。-Unix Network Programming TheSocketsNetworking API VOLUME 1 (THIRD EDITION). Chm format e-books in English and with Book sample source code.
- 2812的C例程 最简单最实用 应有尽有-2812 C programs
- DSP原理与应用实验指导,以C语言为基础的Volume程序-DSP Theory and Application of experimental guide to C language-based Volume program
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- 使用C#和DirectX实时监控麦克风输入音量(Using C# and DirectX to monitor microphone input volume in real time)