- 在VP中,利用OPENGL中的颜色数组实现场景中模型的颜色变换.-This sample uses geometry representations to create an alternate representation of the esprit model that uses a separate color array and allows the selection of which color array to use at run time. The color tracking
- vegaprime和opengl混合编程的DEMO,方便大家快速了解二者混编的相关内容,注释详尽,方便理解,是不错的学习vp和opengl的程序-DEMO, vegaprime, and opengl mixed programming the convenience of everyone quickly understand both mixed content, detailed notes, easy to understand, is a good program for learni
- 利用VP也OPENGL混合编程开发BumMapper功能-This sample illustrates how to do a DOT3 bump map in Vega Prime. The BumMapper is the key class which loads the specified base and normal map textures. The internal bump mapping approach is based on the DOT3 bump mapping
- vo和pengl混合编程,在VP环境钟实现图形绘制-This sample illustrates how to use channel bins to perform generic rendering during the draw. This sample defines the class myApp, which is derived from vpApp, and draws a reticle using OpenGL by defining a vsChannelBin and
- 自己通过vc++7.1结合opengl混合编程,实现了cg着色语言下的真实的云彩飘动的结果 用vp实现 非常逼真 内附acf设置文件含源代码-By combining its own opengl vc++7.1 mixed programming, the real results cg clouds wafted under shading language to achieve a very realistic set containing acf file containing the
- 利用opengl和 c++编译了一个从vp到opengl坐标变换的例子文件,实现了世界到屏幕坐标的转换-Use opengl and c++ compiled example file transform coordinates from vp to opengl achieve the conversion of the world to the screen coordinates