- wiki建站资源 java编写的 很好用-java prepared with a good
- 21点游戏的Java源码, 21点游戏的Java源码-21:00 source Java games, a 21-point game of Java source code, 21:00-source Java games
- JSPWiki,100%Java开发的一套完整WIKI程序,配置非常简单,只需要一个Tomcat环境即可.是学习设计WIKI程序非常好的项目.-JSPWiki, 100% Java developers a complete set of procedures WIKI, the configuration is very simple and requires only a Tomcat environment can be. Yes WIKI process of learning how
- JSPWiki是一个简单的(而非复杂的、庞大的) wiki程序,用Java和JSP写成-JSPWiki is a simple (not complex, large) wiki program written using Java and JSP
- Huffman s compression algorithm implemented in Javascr ipt. 2009-06-02 implemented Huffman s compression algorithm in Javascr ipt. Here is a wiki link describing what Huffman coding is: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Huffman_coding My working e
- Tic-tac-toe, also spelled tick tack toe, or noughts and crosses as it is known in the UK, Australia, New Zealand, is a pencil-and-paper game for two players, O and X, who take turns marking the spaces in a 3×3 grid, usually X going first. The player
- Google maps java apps
- jamwiki的源码,一个著名的开源wiki系统源码-sourcecode of jamwiki,known as a open source wiki system deveploped witch java
- 分布式切表: guzz特性。 分布式切表以guzz的Shadow Table为基础。在Shadow Table的基础上,通过配置完成,应用不需要修改现有代码即可完成小表的分布式存储。具体请参看:http://code.google.com/p/guzz/wiki/TutorialVirtualDB?wl=zh-Hans -分布式切表: guzz特性。 分布式切表以guzz的Shadow Table为基础。在Shadow Table的基础上,通过配置
- 用于维基百科的有功能的添加删除等一些,在个项目在sourceforge上有 一直在更新-Wikipedia functional for add or delete some of the projects have been in the sourceforge update
- java 打包方法,这篇内容部分来自官网及维基的翻译,大部分的代码都亲自做了测试,如果遇到问题可以联系我-java packaging method, this part of the content from the official website and wiki translation, most of the code to do the test yourself, if you encounter problems you can contact me
- This Java ME application demonstrates the use case of downscaling and upscaling the UI to different types of devices and using touch and keyboard events in the same application. UX design and graphics have been ported from the Sudokumaster Flas
- jSSC (Java Simple Serial Connector) - library for work with serial port from Java. jSSC support Win32 (Win98-Win7), Win64, Linux(x86, x86-64), Solaris(x86, x86-64), Mac OS X 10.5 and higher(x86, x86-64, PPC, PPC64). Documentation and examples you can
- jSSC 0.9 (Java Simple Serial Connector) - library for work with serial port from Java. jSSC support Win32 (Win98-Win7), Win64, Linux(x86, x86-64), Solaris(x86, x86-64), Mac OS X 10.5 and higher(x86, x86-64, PPC, PPC64). Documentation and examples you
- KindEditor是一套开源的HTML可视化编辑器,主要用于让用户在网站上获得所见即所得编辑效果,兼容IE、Firefox、Chrome、Safari、Opera等主流浏览器。 KindEditor使用java scr ipt编写,可以无缝的于Java、.NET、PHP、ASP等程序接合。 KindEditor非常适合在CMS、商城、论坛、博客、Wiki、电子邮件等互联网应用上使用。-KindEditor is a set of open source HTML visual editor,
DiskId32 For Delphi
- This is collection of code samples on different programming languages (C++, Delphi, C#, Java for Android, XSLT and etc). The samples were written as parts of messages in my blog. The blog is in Russian, so it's a problem for non-Russian people to rea
- KindEditor是一套开源的HTML可视化编辑器,主要用于让用户在网站上获得所见即所得编辑效果,兼容IE、Firefox、Chrome、Safari、Opera等主流浏览器。 KindEditor使用java scr ipt编写,可以无缝的于Java、.NET、PHP、ASP等程序接合。 KindEditor非常适合在CMS、商城、论坛、博客、Wiki、电子邮件等互联网应用上使用,2006年7月首次发布2.0以来,KindEditor依靠出色的用户体验和领先的技术不断扩大编辑器市场占有率,目
- 高效简单的Memcached java client api。支持二进制协议,用于1.4版本及以上,实现客户端所有操作。自己造个轮子,是不得已而为之。能找到的client都太复杂太慢,简单的事情用简单的方法处理,自己写一个好了。遵循的协议:http://code.google.com/p/memcached/wiki/MemcacheBinaryProtocol 注:memcached1.4开始正式支持二进制协议。-simple and high performance java clien
- 调用BIEE提供的web service 门户项目中准备用web service获取现有的制作好的报表进行展示。遂去研究了下,研究的过程也是满纠结的,总算根据多方资料,将demo跑通了。 本文参考了网上的一些资料,做一下总结而已。讲解下如何配置,成功的获取到相关报表。 biee的web service的介绍我就不说了了,官方文档如下: http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E21764_01/bi.1111/e16364
- jspwiki是一个不错的wiki引擎,纯jsp/servlet写的。JSPWiki不使用现成的数据库管理软件,所有的文件以文本文件的形式存放。它利用类似CVS的机制保证了文件版本的完整性。支持中文,支持版本比较、权限管理等功能!(Jspwiki is a good wiki engine, written in plain jsp/servlet. JSPWiki does not use off the shelf database management software, and all