- 斯图加特大学Fsae珍贵视频,详细分析了侧向力变化及其他操纵稳定性性能,能看到侧倾,俯仰,横摆三模态下的解耦控制-Stuttgart University Fsae precious video, a detailed analysis of changes in lateral force, and other manipulation of the stability of performance, can roll, pitch, yaw under three modal decoupl
- 斯图加特大学Fsae珍贵视频,详细分析了侧向力变化及其他操纵稳定性性能,能看到侧倾,俯仰,横摆三模态下的解耦控制-Stuttgart University Fsae precious video, a detailed analysis of changes in lateral force, and other manipulation of the stability of performance, can roll, pitch, yaw under three modal decoupl
- draw a cube by opengl, the cube can rotate ,pitch,yaw , look forward and back. and so on-draw a cube by opengl, the cube can rotate, pitch, yaw, look forward and back. and so on
- 用户可以使用键盘对飞机进行控制,如导弹的俯仰,偏航,加速等操作,观看的导弹变化飞行目标,爆炸,弹片飞散等尽可能阵势的描述-Users can use the keyboard to control the aircraft, such as the missile' s pitch, yaw and speed up operations, etc. to watch the flight of the changes in the target missile, explosion, s
- 卫星天线的俯仰角航向角滚动角的快速计算小程序,输入初始计算条件即可简单得出结果,有助于开发者算法快速验证及实际测试结果验证。-Satellite antenna direction of the pitch angle of the fast calculation of the rolling angle applet, enter the initial conditions can be a simple calculation of the outcome of the rapid me
- 3D Space Coordinate Transformations This folder contains 3 files (m-functions) : - t2x.m Transformation Matrix to Generalized Position Vector. - x2t.m Generalized Position Vector to Transformation Matrix. - m2m.m Mass/Inertia Tensor
- 详细的双馈发电机模型,包括变桨系统、偏航系统、控制系统、齿轮箱等。-Detailed model of doubly-fed generator, including the pitch system, yaw system, control system, gear boxes.
- 逆合成孔径雷达仿真舰船图像,包括舰船的俯仰、滚动、偏航运动。-Inverse synthetic aperture radar image simulation of ship, including the ship' s pitch, roll, yaw movement.
- 飞行动力学模拟系统 模拟一架飞机在一个地形上空飞行的全过程,用户可以使用键盘对飞机进行控制,如飞机的俯仰、偏航、加速等操作,观看飞机飞行的变化。-Flight dynamics simulation system Simulation of an aircraft in a terrain flying over the whole process, the user can use the keyboard to control the aircraft, such as pitch,
- 计算飞行器滚转角,俯仰角,偏航角变化对特征点在像平面的变化-Calculate the vehicle roll angle, pitch angle, yaw angle change of feature points in the image plane changes
- 米国人写的先进雷达信号处理技术论文,空时二维处理技术在机载雷达中的应用文献。-This research develops a space-time adaptive processing (STAP) radar model for side-looking (SL) arrays with platform maneuver incorporation, and examines ma- neuver effects on Matched Filter (MF) performanc
- code composer studio 3.3. Apply kalman filter for gyro and accelerometer to get the pitch and yaw angle.
- receives data,pitch, roll and yaw using UDP and shows a 3D plot
- 完整惯性导航解算,能够输出惯导解算出的东北天向速度和横滚、俯仰及偏航角。-Complete inertial navigation solver, able to output the INS the solution calculated Northeast days to speed and roll, pitch and yaw angle.
- 采用卡尔曼滤波器对系统的俯仰角、 滚转角和航向角的误差进行最优估计;设计数据融合的判别准则,并根据判据的判断结果调整卡尔曼 滤波器中的量测信息,使系统可用于小型无人机的定高自主飞行-Kalman filter system pitch angle, roll angle and yaw angle error optimal estimation design data fusion criterion, and adjust according to the criterion of
- 使用STM32 arm单片机读取MPU6050,等传感器的数据,运行姿态解算程序,得到载体的俯仰,翻滚,偏航脚-STM32 arm the microcontroller reads MPU6050, and other sensor data solver running posture, carrier pitch, roll, yaw feet
- 为了解决单自由度太阳帆板在一般倾斜轨道中对日定向的局限性问题,一种常见的方法是让卫星提供辅助的姿态调整。对于对地观测的卫星,一般只要求卫星姿态保持能使有效载荷指向地面,即对卫星的俯仰角和滚转角有限制而对卫星的偏航角没有要求。因此可以调整卫星的偏航角来辅助太阳帆板对日定向。-In order to solve the single degree of freedom solar panels tilted orbits in the general limitations of the probl
- 捷联惯导的程序,自己编写,通过俯仰角偏航角等来计算出动态和静态下的姿态角以及角速度,在导弹路径规划上有运用。-SINS program, their preparation, through the pitch angle to calculate the yaw angle under static and dynamic attitude angle and angular velocity of the missile path planning on using.
- 根据ADIS16405进行姿态解算得到航向横摇纵摇-according to the ADIS16405 attitude solution obtained yaw roll pitch
- This file contains a wind turbine model. It includes a three-dimensional mechanical model of the tower, nacelle, and blades modeled in Simscape Multibody, hydraulic pitch actuators, electrical yaw actuators, a simple generator and electrical grid mod