web server监测.zip
- This Unix C code monitors a web server every few minutes by trying to retrieve its home page. It sends you email when it can t connect, and every so often while the server is still down. It sends a final message when it comes back up. If you have ema
2Fly音乐联播系统 v04.06
- 当你使用了本系统后,你将不再因为自己的网站的音乐 链接地址变动而烦恼了! 因为我们(心影瞬间工作室)将为随时监测链接的可用性! 这些问题,我们将为你解决! 现在我们已经推出了 《歌曲排行榜》《卡通歌曲》《新年歌曲》《民歌》 《萨克斯》《经典老歌》《天籁之音》《中国轻音乐》 等项目, 相继我们还将推出《祝福点歌系统》,以及为有一定浏 览量的网站定制《点歌系统》 欢迎加入《心影瞬间工作室》这是一个免费为大家提供 共享服务的简单组织!- After you have used this system,
- 这时关于dicom3.0标准的第一部分,给大家共享!欢迎有志于医学图像编程的各位大虾们一同交流。同时上传东东也是表示对本站的谢意和大力支持!!只有我们同心维护,才能共同受益!!dbx-dicom3.0 time on the first part of the standard for everyone to share! Welcome interested in medical image Programming prawns you have exchanges together. Eas
- This the example from Iczelion s Win32 Assembly Tutorial part 24. In order to assemble the example, you have to have ml.exe, link.exe and nmake.exe in your path. If they re not in the path, you will have to edit makefile to include the full path. You
- This code will be useful to you if you have tried using ADOCE, but never got anything to work. It is not meant to be integrated into any application, but rather it should be used for demonstrative purposes. It clearly shows the basics of how to use t
MS Access file exadoce
- Setting up an ADOCE project using Visual C++ 6.0 is rather simple. Assuming that you have downloaded and installed the ADOCE SDK from Microsoft, you are ready to use it in your Windows CE Database applications. The sample that I have provided is a *v
- 采用首次适应法、最佳适应法或最差适应法,编写一内存分配和回收模拟程序。 动态地随机产生新的“内存分配”或“内存回收”请求,再按照你选定的分配算法修改这个数组。由于这个实验的重点在于内存分配,所以不考虑与某内存区相关的进程情况。-used first to adapt, adapt best or the worst adaptation law, the preparation of a memory allocation and recovery simulation program. Dyn
- Excel报表 我做的,很老的了 Rksvr.ini文件里的下列设置,要改成你实际的目录 [syspath] 系统=D:\\excel_sample1临时=D:\\excel_sample1 此主题相关图片如下: 点击浏览该文件 忘记说明一下, 因为在vfp6下写的,所以 select 语句在vfp8下要稍做修改,请自行修改-Excel statements I do, the very old Rksvr.ini documents in the following settings, you
- 进口关税查询系统 1.0 件是从事外贸进口业务人员的必备查询资料,该程序为试用版本,您可以任意拷贝、散发,如您对该软件有何意见请及时通知我,如果您对该软件满意,请您注册,我会及时将完整版本用Email发送给您,如果不注册也不会影响您的使用,您可自行添加数据,但不会享受以后软件升级及其他的服务。-import tariffs Inquiry System 1.0 is engaged in foreign trade import business for the required informa
- 求算24点是一个极为有趣的大众智力游戏,深得许多人的喜欢。但你有没有遇到过求不出解的情况呢?是自己没有想出来还是确实无解?很难判断吧!有没有想过用电脑来求解呢。如果你有一点点VB的基础,那就让我们一起来看看该怎样用VB来求算24点吧。-calculating 24 is a very interesting public intellectual games, won many people like it. But you have never met before seeking solut
- This file is part of the MIDAS Sound System, and may only be used, modified and distributed under the terms of the MIDAS Sound System license, LICENSE.TXT. By continuing to use, modify or distribute this file you indicate that you have read the licen
- 有病毒源代码,可以知道病毒源代码的编写, 知道病毒的工作原理;-Since you have the cods of virus ,you ll know how the virus are made and realize their priciples!
- 该系统使用极其简便,即使 你对各种网络模型不是很深刻的了解,也可以很好的使用该系统。使用时, 你可以自己修改网络的各种参数,交互性较好,而且该系统通过大量的图示 及参数设置,可以让你了解每个应用实例实现的过程及详细步骤。-The system is extremely easy to use, even if you have to various network model is not very profound understanding can be a good use of the
- 在玩‘连连看’,由于时间限制得太紧,总是玩得不爽,于是费半天时间,模仿了一个程序,基本功能已实现,有兴趣的可以进一步去完善-when you play \"connect\"game,becouse of few time you can not play happy.so i take many time to make a programm which have same funcktion as this game.when you have interest in my game,you
- 一个经典的*源程序,感兴趣的朋友可以下来看看。-It is a classical source code of a remote trojan, you can download it and have a try if you have interest in trojan.
鼻屎兔超级无敌旋风屁屁拷 v2003.6.13
- 你有没有不能拷贝的烦恼呀,用了这个超级无敌超级拷贝工具,就解除你的烦恼了。-you have not copy the trouble, do you use the super invincible super copy tools, on the lifting of your trouble.
- In the demo project, I create a simple graph with four series of data. It demonstrates different options of marker, such as shapes, colors, etc. When the cursor hits a marker, the background data value will be displayed by tool tip. Some API function
- 应用程序向导已为您创建了此 FileManage 应用程序。此应用程序 不仅介绍了使用 Microsoft 基础类的基本知识, 而且是编写应用程序的起点。 此文件包含组成 FileManage 应用程序的每个文件的内容摘要。-Application Wizard you have to create this FileManage applications. This application not only use Microsoft introduced the basic foundati
- 在上传前对每款软件都进行了病毒查杀和插件检查,全力为您提供绿色下载环境-Before uploading the software each have carried the virus killing and plug-ins inspection effort to provide you with the green download environment
Kyle Simpson You Dont Know JS ES6 & Beyond
- 有了这本书,你会: 学习新的语法,简化编程常用成语的痛点 用迭代器、生成器、模块和类组织代码 承诺结合发电机表示异步流控制 使用集合以结构化方式更有效地处理数据 利用新的API助手,包括数组、对象、数学、数字和字符串 通过元编程扩展程序的功能(No matter how much experience you have with Javascr ipt, odds are you dont fully understand the language. As part of the Y