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Using Tasking to Scale Game Engine Systems
- With 6-core machines in the market for some time and 4-core systems becoming mainstream in laptops, you want to give your customers the best experience independant of core count. Tasking allows programs to benefit from scaling as core counts are incr
Comparing Shadow Mapping Techniques with Shadow Explorer
- The companion article for the "Shadow Explorer" source code.
AVX Cloth
- AVX Cloth is a tech sample that demonstrates use of 8 wide floating point SIMD processing with 256 bit AVX. The sample has many active cloth pieces simulating as it showcases a SOA implementation of an iterative position projection (distance constrai
SOA Cloth Simulation with 256-bit Intel Advanced Vector Extensions (Intel AVX)
- This article describes a code sample that uses the Intel® Advanced Vector Extensions (Intel® AVX) for computing mesh-based cloth simulation. A structure of arrays (SOA) implementation is used to maximize data parallelism enabling the usage of 256-bit
Onloaded Shadows: Moving Shadow Map Generation from the GPU to the CPU
- Onloaded Shadows uses WARP to run the shadow map generation asynchronously on the CPU. Testing shows that Onloading Shadow map generation onto the CPU is significantly faster than any comparable GPU technique on machines with Intel integrated graphic