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OpenCV Image Processing
- Various examples of image processing with OpenCV.
Graph TSP AStar Floyd Colorarion Genetic JungLib
- A complete Java System to view the graph solution of Traveling Salesman Problem, AStar, Floyd, Coloration and Genetic solution. Using Jung Java Library.
A Case-Based Reasoning System
- A Case-Based Reasoning System (AutoShop) in Java.
FriendlyArm Mini2440 LCD44780 Driver
- A kernel level driver for a character display LCD-44780, to use with the kit FriendlyArm Mini2440. This zip contains the howto create the board to connect to the kit GPIOs and howto compile and flash to the kernel.
Java Socket TCP+UDP Client+Server
- A good Java Socket TCP+UDP Client+Server.
Microblaze Alarm System - ASM
- A Alarm system writed in Assembly to use on a Microblaze VHDL project.
Junit Simulation Test
- A simple Junit Simulation Test Software. Very important to validade a large system.
Socket like a DropBox
- A simple system socket that can work like a dopbox. Only to test this funcionality.