QR二维码识别 (1)
- 这是非常有用的二维码识别程序。请查看请查看请查看请查看(This is very useful for two-dimensional code recognition program. Please check, please check, please check, please check)
Example of DE
- 使用差分进化算法计算一个简单的求最小值的问题,方便学习和理解差分进化算法的思想(Using differential evolution algorithm to solve a simple minimum problem, it is easy to learn and understand the idea of differential evolution algorithm)
- h.264标准中文版,注解详细,随时下载(haarcascade_fullbody)
- STM32 的IAP功能的实现。可以实现用户程序的跳转。(Implementation of IAP function of STM32. User program can achieve the jump.)
- // 将二进制形式的字符串转换成二进制 int zhuanhuan(char* myChar) { //例如 char* myChar[] = {"11111000"}; int bytebuf = 0; int i; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { bytebuf <<= 1; //a<<=n 等价于a=a<<n << (左移) byt
- BusHound软件是由美国perisoft公司研制的一种专用于PC机各种总线数据包监视和控制的开发工具软件,其名“hound”的中文意思为“猎犬”,即指其能敏锐地感知到总线的丝毫变化。(BusHound software is a kind of special for PC bus data packet monitoring and control developed by American perisoft company's software development tools, th
ctps_339_ds 右侧侧滑导航
- Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit, qui in ea voluptate velit esse, quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum, qui dolorem eum fugiat, quo voluptas nulla pariatur. Sed in lacus ut enim adipiscing aliquet. Nulla venena tis. In pede mi, aliquet si
- foxmail 7.0是一款电子邮件的客户端程序。foxmail 7.0这款软件具有强大的反垃圾邮件功能,该软件使用了多项最新的技术对邮件进行分类、判别,能够帮助用户快速的自动识别出垃圾邮件与费垃圾已经的区别。这款电子邮件客户端接受速度快、使用方便、永久免费、功能稳定,推荐需要注册邮箱的用户可以下载。(Foxmail 7 is an email client program. Foxmail 7 software has powerful anti spam function, the soft
- Android开发入门与实战体验,帮助android学习(Android development portal and combat experience, to help Android learning)
- 建站之星必备PHPWEB视频安装教程10.25(PHPWEB video installation tutorial 10.25, site of the star will be PHPWEB video installation tutorial 10.25)
- 使得安卓能够读取office 2007的内容(It makes android devices can read the content of office 2007)
- 《Linux内核*之道》(pdf版),Linux内核学习("Linux kernel practice road" (PDF version), Linux kernel learning)