- 这个是第24个版本的matconvnet工具箱,内含gpu的详细配置和cpu(This is the twenty-four version of the matconvnet toolbox, including the detailed configuration of GPU and cpu)
HPPP&distance matriix &gradient descent method
- 使用HPPP进行多小区、多用户撒点之后,计算任意用户到任意小区的距离,和梯度下降法寻找最优解(After using HPPP for multi cell and multi-user dissemination, the distance between any user and any cell is calculated;and the gradient descent method is used to find the optimal solution.)
- WINSOCK 是在Windows进行网络通信编程的API接口,也是Windws网络编程的事实标准(WINSOCK is in Windows network communication programming API interface, and Windws network programming the DE facto standard)
- WTK w2w source program, and make me pay, bad data to find good
- 遗传算法实例应用 ,用来解决实例问题的代码(Genetic algorithm, example, application)
- 《模式识别与智能计算》书上的例子,仅供参考("Pattern recognition and intelligent computing" in the book example, for reference only)
- (MTK6572)8389b_qhd_dsi_vdo
- 用来求解非线性优化中的无约束一维极值问题(It can be used to solve the unconstrained one-dimensional extremum problem in nonlinear optimization)
- WTL,zip a programme source code written by WTL,(WTL, zip a programme source code written by WTL,)
MPU6050 I2C读取数据 -精简版
- stm32通过iic读取mpu6050数据(stm32 read mpu6050 by iic)
STM32 频谱参考程序
- STM32音乐频谱显示,DSP库需要自己添加,请到官网下载!(STM32 music spectrum display, DSP library needs to add, please go to the official website to download!)
- x264视频解码源码,c代码,vc环境编译通过,不错的源码(X264 video decoder source code, c code, compiled by vc environment, a good source)