- stm32倒立摆凝聚了几十万会员的辛勤劳动和私家珍藏,是您程序员生涯中必备的源码库欢迎光临联合开发网(Stm32stm32 inverted pendulum has accumulated hundreds of thousands of members' hard work and private collection, which is a necessary source code base in your career)
实验2 蜂鸣器实验
- 使用stm32f407来编写蜂鸣器的程序,按键按下蜂鸣器发出声响(Use stm32f407 to write a buzzer program, press the buzzer sounds)
实验3 按键输入实验
- 通过按键来控制灯亮,和灯亮,已经蜂鸣器发出声响(The key to control the lights, and lights, has a buzzer sound)
- libnbt + +是一个c++库 用于解析Minecraft NBT文件格式————名叫二进制标签。 它可以读取和写入压缩和未压缩NBT文件。 它使用输入和输出流。(libnbt++ is a free C++ library for Minecraft's file format NBT - Named Binary Tag. It can read and write compressed and uncompressed NBT files. It uses stream
实验4 串口实验
- TM32F4 通过串口和上位 机的对话, STM32F4 在收到上位机发过来的字符串后,原原本本的返回给上位机(Tm32f4 through the serial port and PC dialogue, stm32f4 in the host computer sends the received string, exactly back to the host computer)
- Stm32矩阵键盘程序(库函数)矩阵键盘是单片机外部设备中所使用的排布类似于矩阵的键盘组(Matrix keyboard is MCU peripheral equipment used in the configuration is similar to the matrix keyboard group)
实验5 外部中断实验
- 通过板载的 4 个按键,控制板载的两个 LED 的亮灭以及蜂鸣器的发声(The onboard 4 buttons control the two LED lights on the board and the buzzer sounds)
实验6 独立看门狗实验
- 我们将通过按键 KEY_UP 来喂狗,然后 通过 DS0 提示复位状态(We will feed the dog through the button KEY_UP, and then reset the status through the DS0)
AngularJS Lab - Lesson 5
- Agenda Realized in angularJS framework
Recommender Systems
- cos相似度实现推荐预测,实现了找出相似度最大的某行某列进行预测(Cos similarity to achieve the recommended prediction, to achieve the largest similarity to find a row of a column to predict)
- IEEE5节点潮流计算,导纳矩阵计算,关联矩阵计算,支路数据处理(IEEE5 node power flow this is the stand Power grid.according the newton method to calculate the power flow)
- 基于32位PIC单片机的三维电子罗盘得完整程序,用的MAPLAB X IDE。(Correction formula of three dimensional electronic compass based on single chip microcomputer)