- wxf.rar 用c编的进程调度算法
- basswm23 BASS is an audio library for use in Windows and Mac OSX software. Its purpose is to provide developers with the most powerful and efficient (yet easy to use)
- UTFT library for arduino UNO
- casillas-ci02-ipmu00 Improving the Wang and Mendel’s Fuzzy Rule Learning Method by Inducing Cooperation Among Rules 1
- kongyulvbo 空域滤波代码
- usb-monitor USB监视工具 可以检测USB通讯数据 方便好用(USB monitoring tool can detect USB communication data
aac_read 读取帧头程序
- 实现读取aac帧头,采用faac库,简单通用(Read AAC frame header, using FAAC library, simple and universal)
Add, Edit, Delete, Search (very simple)
- Add, Edit, Delete, Search (very simple)
ICA工具箱 - FastICA_25
- 独立成分分析(Independent Component Analysis),最早应用于盲源信号分离(Blind Source Separation,BBS)。ICA理论的基本思想是从一组混合的观测信号中分离出独立信号,或者尽可能独立的信号对其他信号进行表征。(Independent Component Analysis was first applied to Blind Source Separation (BBS). The basic idea of ICA theory is to s
- WeatherServer Udp实现天气获取类,学习用的()
- 这种模型是把自变量的线性预测函数当作因变量的估计值(The model takes the linear prediction function of the independent variable as the estimate of dependent variable)
- wendows下实现的一个钩子实例,来源是一本好书的附盘,具体说明可以查该书()
- 用QGraphicsView实现图片的拖动,放大、缩小、旋转等(Using QGraphicsView to drag, zoom, rotate, and so on)
- 重写QLabel,实现图片拖动、放大(Rewrite QLabel to achieve picture drag and zoom)
- WIN2000及以上版本, MicroSoft提供了一个全新的途径()
- 数据探索分析中处理缺失数据的高级处理方法(Advanced processing methods for missing data processing in data discovery analysis)
- 方差分析又称“变异数分析”,是R.A.Fisher发明的,用于两个及两个以上样本均数差别的显著性检验(ANOVA, also called variance analysis, was invented by R.A.Fisher, which was used to test the significance of the mean difference between two and more than two samples)
- 《TensorFlow:实战Google深度学习框架》图书中的所有神经网络的相关代码(All related code of all kinds of neural network mentioned in "TensorFlow: practice of Google deep learning framework")