- Demo AppWizard has created this application for you. This application not only demonstrates the basics of using the Microsoft Foundation classes but is also a starting point for writing your application.
- main 基于arm的
- Merchandise-management-system 商品管理系统
- openCV-library-transplant-to-S3C2440 opencv开源图像处理函数库在S3C2440移植 一
- 2 构建停车信号灯
- Motion Detection 实现了动态目标检测算法
新建 好压 ZIP 压缩文件
- 一维导热程序不变部分和一个用户部分算例,可根据实际问题自己改(Invariant part of one dimensional heat conduction program)
- adc程序,已经配置好了采样口和采样频率(ADC program, the sample port and sampling frequency have been configured)
DIS ext
- Homework C++ program for mathematica
- 多国语言翻译,Windows10网页实时翻译!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(Multinational language translation, Windows10 webpage real-time translation!)
- 这次要分享的内容十分简单,但也可以算是我们以后写东西可能会经常用到的一个小工具,就是关于如何爬取百度文库对应某个词汇的词条数,也就是拥有的页面量。(The content to be shared is very simple, but it can also be a small tool that we will often use to write later. It's about how to crawl the number of entries that Baidu library
- 通讯录,可以进行用户登录,查看,添加,删除通讯录信息。(Address book, users can log in, view, add, delete the address book information.)
- 会声会影X5使用手册(教程), 视频编辑软件使用详细手册。(Video editing manual)
- QT上RSA加密算法实现,附带图形界面,更加直观(Implementation of RSA encryption algorithm)
- oracle导表工具,好用的导表工具,导入,导出(Oracle guide table tool)
- 算法设计中的钻石矿工问题在一座金字塔每块石头上都镶有一块钻石从金字塔的顶端向下收集钻石尽可能收集价值高的钻石,每层每次只能从一块砖斜向左下或斜向右下走到另一块砖上。设计算法求出获取的钻石最大价值及路径。(动态规划)(The problem of diamond miner in algorithm design is set up on every stone in Pyramid. A diamond is collected from the top of Pyramid. Diamond
- 算法设计中的钻石矿工问题在一座金字塔每块石头上都镶有一块钻石从金字塔的顶端向下收集钻石尽可能收集价值高的钻石,每层每次只能从一块砖斜向左下或斜向右下走到另一块砖上。设计算法求出获取的钻石最大价值及路径。(分治法)(The problem of diamond miner in algorithm design is set up on every stone in Pyramid. A diamond is collected from the top of Pyramid. Diamond i
- 某售货员要到若干城市去推销商品,已知个城市之间的路程或路费,我要选定一条从驻地出发,经过每个城市一次,最后回到驻地的路线,使总的路程(或路费)最小。(回溯法)(A salesperson will sell products to several cities. The distance or distance between the known cities will be chosen. I will choose a route that starts from the station,