- 最小二乘法多项式曲线拟合,根据给定的m个点,并不要求这条曲线精确地经过这些点,而是曲线y=f(x)的近似曲线。(The least squares polynomial curve fitting, according to the given M point, does not require the curve to pass precisely these points, but rather the approximate curve of the curve y=f (x).)
- Verilog超详细教程,北京大学于敦山(Verilog Course Peking University)
- 代刷网源码 彩虹代刷网 需要的可以下载 自己创建域名和服务器就可以使用(The source of the rainbow generation brush network needs to be downloaded to create the domain name and server can be used)
- 在SB手机上实现了HVO软件的功能,该软件可以查看任何一个二进制文件的代码,()
实验31 DHT11数字温湿度传感器实验
- 通过DHT11数字温湿度传感器实现对测试环境的温湿度进行测量验证(The measurement and verification of the temperature and humidity of the test environment by DHT11 digital temperature and humidity sensor)
实验32 MPU6050六轴传感器实验
- 通过MPU6050六轴传感器实验中的陀螺仪功能进行三维的数值读取(Three-dimensional numerical reading through the function of the gyroscope in the experiment of the MPU6050 six axis sensor)
- 人脸检测程序,运用特征检测方法实现,经过编译(Face detection program and implementation of feature detection method)
实验40 汉字显示实验
- 通过汉字显示实验可以在STM32开发板上通过显示屏进行汉字的显示(The display of Chinese characters can display the display of Chinese characters on the STM32 development board through the display screen)
- 人脸特征定位,人脸特征点采集与图像分割处理(Face feature location, face feature point acquisition and image segmentation)
实验55 网络通信实验
- 通过网络通信的实验基于STM32的开发平台进行网络通信实验(Network communication experiment based on STM32 development platform for network communication experiment)
- 在pda上使用GAPI接口进行动画的绘制,编译环境为EVC()
- 使用Directshow实现图像帧抓取并存储为BMP文件(Using Directshow to implement image frame grabbing and store as BMP file)