- DS-4308MD-E解码卡用户手册V6.5-标配-130121(DS-4308MD-E decode card user manual V6.5- marking -130121)
- 比较了2D MIMO 和3D MIMO中的信道容量,与简化的Taylor信道容量的对比(Comparing the channel capacity in 2D MIMO and 3D MIMO with the simplified Taylor channel capacity)
Cutting ACS程序20170916
- 切割机acs控制龙门结构程序,标有十大要械厅声梦奇缘地。(The Longmen control structure program of ACS cutter, with ten major machinery hall August Rush to.)
01-野火ISO PDF教程
- 整理的基于野火学习板的stm32资料,含程序代码、pdf教程、原理图、软件、手册资料(This package is including the learning doc./program and others something about YeHuo STM32)
- 比较了单用户情况下,3D MIMO的容量与Taylor简化的容量进行对比(Comparing the single-user case, 3D MIMO's capacity is compared to Taylor's simplified capacity)
- 特殊方法一个时钟多种方式设定无数闹铃,很不错的易语言源码,适合易语言爱好者使用,()
- 3D MIMO下,比较了单用户和多用户下Taylor简化的容量(In 3D MIMO, the simplified capacity of Taylor under single-user and multi-user comparison is compared)
- Action dependent heuristic dynamic programming for home energy resource scheduling.
- 这款播放器可以播放不同分辨率的、不同帧率的YUV视频。(This player can play YUV video with different resolution and rate of frame rate.)
YSF1_HAL_MOTOR-016. 四轴步进电机导轨控制
- 控制四轴步进电机的加减速运动,到目标位置即停止。(Control the acceleration and deceleration of four - axis stepper motor and stop at the target position)
- 3D mimo下单用户情况的CDF曲线与理论值对比(The CDF curve of a single user under 3D mimo is compared with the theoretical value)
YSF1_HAL_MOTOR-019. 步进电机位置环控制
- 利用pid反馈控制步进电机的位置,即给定位置慢慢接近即刻停止。(The position of the stepper motor is controlled by PID feedback, that is, the position is slowly close to the immediate stop.)