- linux文件系统的简单实现,文件的增删改查(linux fileSystem,rm,mkdir,ls)
- 四种不同的算法:AdaGrad、Adam、momentumGrad、RMSProp算法来解决优化问题:min f=1/2*||Ax-b||_2+u*||x||_1(Four different algorithms: AdaGrad, Adam, momentumGrad, and RMSProp algorithms to solve the optimization problem: Min f=1/2*||Ax-b||_2+u*||x||_1)
Monte Carlo Simulation
- Monte Carlo Simulation for Photon Migration Inside Biological Tissue(To run Monte Carlo simulation, only the main function need to be called. But if you are not familiar with the data struction of the inputs for MC, you can run InitializeInput to c
JESD79-5 DDR5 Spec Early Draft Rev0.1.pdf
- JEDC DDR-5 Standard. DDR-5 标准。(JEDC DDR-5 Standard. JESD79-5 DDR5 Spec Early Draft Rev0.1)
- 支持向量机导论,深刻理解SVM原理及推导过程(The introduction of support vector machine (SVM), a deep understanding of the principle and process of SVM)
- 程式名称: CDir 程式分类: PHP Class 下载 档案目录 程式大小: 3 KB 板面预览: 没有样板 程式简介: 一个可以阅说目录结构的元件,()
- 读取硬件id用于机器身份识别的小程序,基于vs2005平台开发。(A small program that reads the hardware ID for machine identification, based on the VS2005 platform.)
Multiple Traveling Salesmen Problem
- MTSP_GA Multiple Traveling Salesmen Problem (M-TSP) Genetic Algorithm (GA) Finds a (near) optimal solution to the M-TSP by setting up a GA to search for the shortest route (least distance needed for the salesmen to travel to each city exa
ants colony 2
- Problem TSP ant colony algorithem
- Monte Carlo Simulation Q state Potts model 2D square lattice microstructure
- ant coloni Algorithem in TSP