- 45钢的回火冷却以及其中的温度场分析,根据情况稍加修改即可(Tempering cooling of 45 steel)
- 计算光纤包层有效折射率,利用公式编程,该程序是利用是图解法得到包层模有效折射率(The effective refractive index of the fiber cladding is calculated. The program is programmed with the formula. The program uses the graphic method to obtain the effective refractive index of the cladding die.)
- 该程序是对一幅图像灰度值进行统计,以直方图形式绘制出来(The program counts the gray value of an image and draws it as a histogram)
- 卷积神经网络在matlab中的应用,可自行修改学习率和循环次数(Convolutional Neural Network in Matlab)
- 双基地雷达BP算法,适用于雷达BP成像算法研究。Dual base radar BP algorithm.(Dual base radar BP algorithm.)
- .net_C#_三层架构实例源码-2723812263 网络搜集整理 不保证质量 希望对大家有有所帮助(.net_C#_ three layer architecture instance source code -2723812263 Network collation does not guarantee the quality of hope for all of the help)
- .net餐饮系统源码-2723812263 网络搜集整理 不保证质量 希望对大家有有所帮助(.net food and beverage system source code -2723812263 Network collation does not guarantee the quality of hope for all of the help)
01 LED闪烁
- LED循环闪烁,用的是HY开发的板子,网上资料比较难找(Setup the microcontroller system. Initialize the Embedded Flash Interface, initialize the PLL and update the SystemFrequency variable)
- 对Retinex算法进行修正,提高去雾效果(Amend the Retinex algorithm to improve the effect of fog removal)
- 使用psat进行潮流计算,并进行小规模扰动测试(using psat to solve power flow)
MPU6050 亲测可用
- keil MPU 实现姿态解算算法的源代码,亲测可用~~~~(keil MPU pose_estimation)
- 利用Fisher准则计算两类数据间的类间离散矩阵和类内离散矩阵(Using Fisher criterion to calculate inter class discrete matrix and intra class discrete matrix between two classes of data)