- 人眼定位,通过手动选择一张图片的人眼区域,然后识别其他图片中人眼的位置(Human eye positioning, by manually selecting a human eye area of a picture, and then identifying the positions of human eyes in other pictures)
- 利用ansys APDL语言编写的输电塔有限元模型,可以用于输电塔动力分析(The finite element model of transmission tower, written in ANSYS APDL language, can be used for power analysis of transmission tower)
- 扫描指定路径下的所有Txt文本的固定格式数据,并以固定格式输出到execl(Scan the fixed format data of all Txt text in the specified path and output to EXECL in a fixed format)
- 通过EI算法,可以检测LDPC编码最小距离,对判断编码效果有重要作用,()
- 滚动条效果,增加皮肤渲染效果;可配合list等实现界面效果。(The effect of the scroll bar increases the effect of skin rendering; it can be combined with list to achieve the interface effect.)
- 雷达信号生成函数,分析雷达多脉冲信号啊 雷达信号生成函数,分析雷达多脉冲信号()
C++ jichengandpaisheng
- 关于c++中继承和派生函数的几个示例代码。(Several examples of programming examples about the use of virtual functions in C++ about several examples of inheritance and derived functions in c++.)
Recursive Program
- 递归程序分析方法初探,C++实现尾递归,递归,和非递归实现斐波拉契数列(A First Study of the Analysing Methods of Recursive Program)
- LED闪烁msp430,计算和通信的未来技术趋势。 在智慧物联网(W2T)愿景下,下一代互联网将促进人类,计算机和事物之间的和谐交流。 目前对物联网的研究主要是从识别,连接和管理对象的角度进行的。 然而,在本文中,我们试图在W2T愿景下提升智能和意识的物联网(Abstract The Internet of Things (IoT) represents the future technology trend of sensing, computing, and communication. U
Optical tweezers toolbox
- 此程序利用MATLAB编程,模拟出梯度力和散射力,并绘制梯度力和散射力在轴向和横向上的曲线图。(This program USES MATLAB to simulate the gradient force and scattering force, and draws the gradient and scattering forces on the axial and transverse curves.)
vc++ 模拟文件拷贝动画(带进度条)
- vc++ 模拟文件拷贝动画(带进度条)显示,文件拷贝动画实则是一个AVI动画,在窗体中调用AVI进行播放。(The vc++ simulation file copy animation (with progress bar) shows that the file copy animation is actually a AVI animation.)
- 关于智能控制的一些学习总结,希望对大家有用!(On the intelligent control of some learning summary, I hope to be useful to everyone!)