- STM32F103驱动MCP2515程序,在板子测试通过。正常收发(STM32F103 driver MCP2515 program, passed the board test. Normal sending and receiving)
EMV MX 2018
- 安装需要的C++环境,自行下载微软常用运行库合集,先安装C++环境,重新启动电脑之后在打开软件(To install the required C++ environment, please download the collection of Microsoft common runtime libraries by yourself, install the C++ environment first, restart the computer and open the software)
EMV Writer Reader Software v8
- 需要的C++环境,自行下载微软常用运行库合集,是免费的,而且有很多,先安装C++环境,重新启动电脑之后在打开软件(To install the required C++ environment, please download the collection of Microsoft common runtime libraries by yourself, install the C++ environment first, restart the computer and open the s
- 安装需要的C++环境,请自行下载微软常用运行库合集,先安装C++环境,重新启动电脑之后在打开软件(To install the required C++ environment, please download the collection of Microsoft common runtime libraries by yourself, install the C++ environment first, restart the computer and open the software)
SDA EMV chip writer by PAWS
- 很强大的写卡软件,支持很多读写器,需要安装C++运行库,自行下载微软运行合集(To install the required C++ environment, please download the collection of Microsoft common runtime libraries by yourself, install the C++ environment first, restart the computer and open the software)
- 使用最广泛的一款X2软件,同样需要安装微软云像库合集,很容就能下载到,自行下载安装,然后才能打开软件(To install the required C++ environment, please download the collection of Microsoft common runtime libraries by yourself, install the C++ environment first, restart the computer and open the softwar
- X2GOLD版本,安装需要的C++环境,请自行下载微软常用运行库合集,先安装C++环境,重新启动电脑之后在打开软件(To install the required C++ environment, please download the collection of Microsoft common runtime libraries by yourself, install the C++ environment first, restart the computer and open the
fluent 相变传质udf
- 用于相变温度为77K的氮气相变过程,其结果与内置蒸发冷凝算法较为一致。ansys help文件中有相关udf的水相变模型,在此基础上进行修改。
- 针对铣削过程建立的动力学方程,推导出可用以指导加工的稳定性叶瓣图,获得各主轴转速下对应的极限切深。(According to the dynamic equation of milling process, the stable lobe diagram which can be used to guide machining is derived, and the corresponding limit cutting depth of each spindle speed is obtain
- 可以修改皇帝成长计划2的游戏属性与其他人物属性(huangdichengzhangjihua)
- 可以用来计算滑动轴承油膜压力,椭圆轴承油膜压力子程序,可靠,张直明书上的
- 用pyhton编写的IDM模型,可以实现交通流仿真,包括跟驰和换道(The IDM model written by Pyhton can realize the traffic flow simulation, including following and lane changing)