- cartoonsmart_cocos2D_book This cocos 2d programming reference book
- superhet Superheterodyne refers to a method of designing and building wireless communications or broadcast equipment
- MIMO-OFDM 主要针对ofdm系统中编码传输信道估计等一系列相关活动进行仿真(Mainly for the OFDM system coding
- Patch EPLAN P8 EPLAN 2.6 CRACK EPLAN2.6加密锁虚拟
- 卫星定位 卫星定轨的程序有关于卫星精密定轨的程序使用fortran编程(Satellite orbit determination procedures have procedures for precise orbit determination using FORTRAN programming.)
- 常见服务器故障原因及如何防止 服务器故障是一个会影响所有组织类型和规模的常见问题
- lcm6963液晶显示程序,本公司就是用lcm6963液晶驱动的。这是我个人写的,-lcm6963 LCD procedures, the Company is using lcm6963 LCD-driven. This is my personal writing,
- 最简单的时钟程序,用的是2051的芯片,有图,有说明,很详细。不会的一看就会,会的不要见笑-most simple clock procedures, using the 2051 chip, a map, descr iptions, very detailed. No one will look at, not laughed at the
- kmeans算法的java描述,我自己编写的,可以运行的-java kmeans algorithm descr iption, I am prepared, ready-to-run
- 89c51的一个小程序,网上下载的,我看了还不错,对我帮助比较大,在实际中能用上,-89c51 a small procedure, the online download, I read quite well, compared to me, can be used in practice.
- c客户端与互联网服务器通讯类文件,支持多文件上载,提交form等等,同时提供异步方式.-c client server and Internet communications papers to support more file uploading, etc. to form, It also provides asynchronous mode.
- [原创]通过逆向分析360safe驱动部分取得的源码-[original] 360safe reverse analysis of the driving source
- 一个简单的反调试源码,通过设置系统相应的调试位,禁止调试器附加进程,主要应用于加壳软件,加密软件等方面-a simple anti-debug source code by the system debugging spaces corresponding to prohibit additional debugger process, mainly used shell software, encryption software, etc.
- 关 于 图 像 处 理 的 一些 程 序,希 望 对 你 有 用-images of some of the procedures in the hope that useful to you
- dell服务器的风扇控制器,带驱动源码,实现风扇转速的监测和控制.-dell server fan controller belt-driven source, the realization of the fan speed monitoring and control.
- 一个周期3的多表代替密码,第1个表由密钥字法产生(密钥字自拟),第2个表由洗牌法产生(注意,字母a~z与数字0~25一一对应),第三个表由公式法产生(数学公式自拟,注意它须是Z26上的一个一一变换)-a cycle of three multi-table instead of passwords, a table by key word method, (key word from the intended), Table No. 2 produced by shuffling method
- 设f(x)=1+x+x2+x5+x27,试分别写出实现下列移位寄存器的程序: 以f(x)为联接多项式的DSR; 以f(x)为联接多项式的LFSR。 可供选择的联接多项式: f1(x)=1+x+x4+x6+x30; f2(x)=1+ x3+ x31; f3(x)=1+ x6+ x31; f4(x)=1+ x7+ x31; f5(x)=1+ x13+ x31; -Let f (x) = 1 x x2 x5 x27, respectively try to writ
- 在线更新程序,完全socet实现,支持socks5代理,客户端为dll,方便其它程序调用-online updates for socet achieve full support socks5 agent for the client dll. Invoking other convenience