- 本压缩包收集了较为经典的几种关于BCH和RS编译码的matlab程序,以及通信系统的仿真等。供大家参考学习,搬运整理而得(This compression package collects several classical matlab programs about BCH and RS coding and decoding, as well as the simulation of communication system. For your reference and study, ha
- 用QT软件自已编写的QQ应用程序,含界面及源文件。(QQ application program written by QT software, including interface and source files.)
path loss
- 无线信道建模,路径损耗及正态阴影模型源代码,可出图,(Path loss Wireless channel modeling)
- 利用MATLAB来进行大气信道中的激光通信仿真,英文原版(Optical Wireless Communication Systems-system and chanel modelling with matlab)
- 对信号进行滤波,频谱分析,以及对滤波器的特性进行分析(基于labview的高级信号处理工具箱)(Filtering, spectrum analysis, and analysis of filter characteristics (advanced signal processing toolbox based on labview))
- SpI读写驱动程序源代码,大家看看。。。。。(SpI Read-Write Driver Source Code)
- 写出了FBMC在不同信道下(高斯信道,和多径衰落信道)的BER(Write the BER of FBMC in different channels)
Polar Codes in MATLAB - v2
- 极化码编译码在matlab下的仿真 误码性能分析(Analysis of Error Performance of Polarization Coding and Decoding under Matlab)
- 建立电力系统振荡模型,在MATLAB中设计电力系统振荡下的测频方案(Establishing power system oscillation model and designing frequency measurement scheme under power system oscillation in MATLAB)
S7-200 SMART CPU Modbus TCP服务器指令库(2)
- S7-200 SMART Modbus TCP 服务器指令库(S7-200 SMART Modbus TCP Server Instruction Library)
fx3u rtu
- 三菱 FX3u 作为从站,供上位机直接通过扩展485模块,通过modbus rtu 模式通讯读取数据,寄存器等信息。端口配置程序,9600kps 8 ,1,e格式。(Mitsubishi FX3u serves as slave station for PC to read data, register and other information directly by extending 485 module and communicating in Modbus RTU mode. Port
- 运用matlab实现8PSK信号的调制与解调(relization of modulation and demodulation of 8PSK signal by Matlab)