- 在applet中,利用2D显示3D的效果,这个是正方形的显示.各个面利用菱形组合起来.-the applet, using 2D 3D results show that the square is the show. All diamond-use combination.
Using The TIFF Library
- libtiff库的源码程序的演示代码,该例子用来演示如何读tiff图像,是初学tiff图像格式的入门程序!-libtiff library procedures demo source code, the examples used to demonstrate how to read tiff images, when a tiff image formats entry procedures!
- 一个基于freeimage函数库开发的图形图像处理程序,界面不错,功能媲美acds-freeimage a library based on the development of image processing procedures, good interface, functional comparable Converter
- 一个自己做的MATLAB图象处理程序,已经上传了依次,没有成功,重新上传。重点是对BMP图象的各种操作以及MATLAB的GUI编程!-a MATLAB own image processing procedures, have uploaded followed, without success, to re-upload. Focus BMP images of the various operational and MATLAB GUI Programming!
- 图片浏览器,可以浏览本地目录下各种格式的图片,并可进行简单的缩放操作-Photo browser, you can visit the local directory variety of image formats, providing a simple scaling operation
- vb绘制等值线 是一本书中关于图形的章节,word格式,其中包含等值线源码.-Draw contours using VB.It is a chapter about graphics of a book. file type is word. and source codes about contours are included.
- 一个用vb.net实现的画板, 用rar解压,-a palette designed by vb.net needs to decompress by rar tool.
- 关于CPtrList的使用,在客户区任意画线,可以更改颜色和粗细 -About the using of CPtrList. Draw a curve in the client region and you can change the color and size of the curve.
- 改程序实现了图像任意比例缩放。采用了三次样条插值。-It achieves zoom of random scale picture by using thrice sample insert value.
- 在三维场景中进行物体之间的碰撞检测,模拟了一个物体从空中自由落体,碰到下面的一个物体被摔成碎片的过程-in 3D scenes between objects for the collision detection, simulation of a free-fall from the sky objects, get the following guests were an object of debris
- 真实感图形Lambert算法画球,自己编的,练练手,练练脚,-photorealistic graphics algorithm painting Lambert ball, his series, to practice hands, feet to practice, huh
- 使用图形和图象处理对不规则区域的选取。 本程序使用一张中国地图作为位图,各个省/市的区域是不规则的,通过对该位图的处理, 能对各个不规则的区域进行选取。 类似的实现功能为: 在中国地图上,当鼠标移到某个省/市的时候,使该省/市所在的区域以某种颜色高亮显示。-use of graphics and image processing on irregular region selection. The procedure used a map of China as a bitmap,