- 整理的电机控制相关笔记,这个资料对学习电机控制特别有帮助,(Finishing the motor control related notes, this information is particularly helpful for learning motor control.)
- 北京航空航天大学的多旋翼飞行器的PPT压缩包,对于想学飞控的玩家很有用(The PPT of the Beihang University's multi rotor aircraft is very useful for players who want to learn flight control.)
- 对近年来无人机飞行航迹算法做了技术分类和理论分析,希望对初学者有很好的指导作用(In recent years, UAV flight path algorithm has been classified and analyzed theoretically, hoping to have a good guidance for beginners.)
- vfp功能扩展,内有详细帮助介绍 一份不可多得得资料(VFP function expansion, there is a detailed help to introduce a rare amount of information.)
- 大淘客二次开发源码,可以使用收费的插件。包括9.9,小便说那些插件 查优惠券(Amoy two development source code, you can use the plug-in fee. Including 9.9, urinating the plug-ins www.10huiwang.com)
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