- 一本关于声场计算,尤其是超声波声场计算的指导书,内容很详细(A guide book on sound field calculation, especially ultrasonic field calculation, is very detailed)
- 中兴光猫db_user_cfg.xml配置文件为加密状态。此工具可解密。文件内有详细说明 干什么用的就不多解释了。(ZTE Guangmao DB_ user_ cfg.xml The configuration file is encrypted. This tool can be decrypted. There are detailed instructions in the document There's not much explanation for what's used.)
- 综合能源的优化调度问题主要以经济性为主,应用商业求解器进行优化求解。是现在比较热门的研究方向,只是少数据。(The optimization scheduling problem of integrated energy is mainly based on economy, and the commercial solver is used to optimize the solution. It is a hot research direction now, but there is li
- icm20948的driver和文档说明,九轴陀螺仪,含有磁力计(icm20948 gyro accelrate magnet)
- lua 反编译工具 用于学习lua 反编汇 游戏lua 解密(Lua decompiler tool for learning Lua decompiler game Lua decryption)
神猴刷单-EA (修改版)
- 高频率刷单EA,不爆仓,可实盘。效率很高,浮亏不大。(High frequency brush single EA, not burst, can be firm offer. The efficiency is very high, the floating loss is not big.)
- abaqus混凝土塑性损伤模型,本构采用2010混规,损伤因子采用Birtel法计算(In the plastic damage model of ABAQUS concrete, the constitutive method is 2010 mixing gauge, and the damage factor is calculated by Birtel method)
- emv studio 1.1.3 2021 the best of emv sorfware
- 该模型是运用人工势场法进行的避障程序,障碍物包括一个动态障碍物和一个静态障碍物(The model is an obstacle avoidance program using artificial potential field method. The obstacles include a dynamic obstacle and a static obstacle)
Brave gold-EA
- Brave gold-EA【一款专做黄金的策略】,策略根据K线组合以及均线来做为开单条件,开单条件严格,行情波动小的时候EA顺势做单,行情波动大策略会做回调。加载货币:XAUUSD 加载时间周期:1小时 原理:顺逆势做单原理(Brave gold EA [a special strategy for gold]. The strategy is based on the combination of K-line and moving average as the billing conditi
FLUENT-UDF-Calculation of Flow Uniformity
- FLUENT-UDF系统学习-Calculation of Flow Uniformity(FLUENT-UDF-learning-Calculation of Flow Uniformity)
Ghidorah Forex EA Version
- MT5平台 · 策略类型:趋势+对冲EA策略 · 跑货币对:28个货币对(挂盘:EURUSD,H1周期即可) · 主跑周期:H1周期 · 初始资金:$10000(0.01手起) · 预年收益:300% · 预计回撤:15-25%(可人工干预) 【策略介绍】 又名马来西亚EA,比较知名的一款的EA,同时运行28个货币对,单量比较大。一年资金翻3倍,10000美金起步跑,不太适合小资金, 因为同时运行28个货币对,单量是比较多的,对点差也没啥要求,欧美30点左右最好,用来刷单也还是不错的,很多机构也