- 可实现微电网中分布式电源的下垂控制,采用三环控制策略,节点既可作为V/f结点,也可作为PQ结点-It can achieve distributed generation droop control in Microgrid, which uses three-loop control strategy. The node can be used as V/f node, the node can also be used as PQ node
- 偏最小二乘(PLS)算法建模,并提供一个实例分析,提供异常过程监控Q统计量和T统计量。检测出故障。-Partial Least Squares (PLS) algorithm modeling, and provides a case study to provide process monitoring abnormal Q statistic and T statistics. To detect the fault.
- 永磁同步电机弱磁调速系统的仿真.在矢量控制的基础上进行改进,采用弱磁调速,可作为参考.-Permanent magnet synchronous motor speed control system simulation weakening in vector control on the basis of improved, using weak magnetic speed, can be used as reference.
- 用于利用最大熵法求解数据资料服从的分布类型。并应用最小二乘法求解模型以得到最优解-Using the maximum entropy method for solving the data distribution type of obedience. And apply the least squares method to obtain the optimal solution to solve the model
- 电力系统中无功补偿 SVC-SVG模型 可以观察无功补偿器对电能质量的维持的有利作用-Power System Reactive Power Compensation SVC-SVG model, you can observe the reactive power compensation of power quality maintenance of beneficial effects
- 产生调频步进信号,再进行脉冲压缩,混频,最后进行高分辨率成像。本程序用于测距,参数可以进行修改。注释详细。-stepped LFM generating, and then pulse compression, mixing, and finally high-resolution imaging. The procedure used for ranging, the parameters can be modified. Detailed notes.
- 本程序包含有大量的计算程序,能计算天体力学的各种问题,含有大量的函数库和数据,是一个非常强大的计算工具。-Celestial Computing with MATLAB is a comprehensive collection of MATLAB functions,scr ipts and data files that can be used to solve a variety of problems in fundamental and advanced celestial mecha
- 数值方法(MATLAB版)第四版的上机答案 语言是matlab 一般每个题目一个文件夹 主程序一般为main文件-Numerical methods (MATLAB version) fourth edition of the machine language is the answer to every problem a general matlab folder as the main file main general
- 经典的标量JA 模型的代码,非常适合磁滞模型初学者 我给出了两种实现方式的代码 一个用固定点迭代实现,可以容易变成c语言 另一个使用simulink 实现,可以加到控制图中作为一个子函数-the code is programmed following the classical paper of D.Jiles ,fellow of IEEE. The JA model is great and innovative work in magnetic material.
- 绘制NASA的CALIPSO卫星的verticle feature mask图-draw calipso VFM map
- 用于计算电力系统机组组合及经济调度问题,修改添加风电后可用于计算含风电系统的经济调度问题-Used to calculate the power system unit commitment and economic dispatch problem, modify, after adding wind power can be used to calculate the wind power system with the economic dispatch problem
- ITU标准下的大气传播衰减计算程序,使用简单方便,只需要输入传播角度,高度,气候环境,即可计算大气传输损耗(不包括自由空间传播损耗)-According to the ITU standard, this program calculates the atmospheric loss. It is simple to use, you only have to input some parameters such as height, elevation angle, etc