- 此源代码,是一个用 csharp 开发的按扭扭控件源码,是本人第一个用csharp开发的项目 -This source code is a csharp development the shilly control source, I first csharp development projects
- DELPHI6下按扭控件源码,它继承承了DELPHI标准按扭的属性,能图形化 -The DELPHI6 next button controls the source, it inherits the Order of the properties of the DELPHI standard button can be graphically
- DataGridView,使用了BindingNavigator,BinndSource,DataGridView控件源码,编辑数据后,自动保存! -DataGridView, BindingNavigator, BinndSource, DataGridView control source, edit data, auto-save!
- 这是自己毕业设计做的PCA和LDA的结合,训练和识别别过程都有,用的是ORL库里的图像,具有较高的识别率! -This is a combination of PCA and LDA graduation design, training and do the process of the identification with ORL library of images, has a high recognition rate!
- 非常不错的扩展DataGridView,能自动动保存数据,验证数据,通过这个学习了不少的东西! -Very good extension DataGridView, automatically move to save the data, validating data and learn a lot of things through this!
- 本程序源码主要是教你怎样在DataGridView中使用CoomboBox,开发用VS2005 可直接使用。 已通过测试。 -The source of this program is to teach you how to use the DataGridView CoomboBox developed with VS2005 can be used directly. Has been tested.
- LDA 人脸识别的 程序段 大家下着看看吧 对大家有帮助的 -LDA face recognition block next to see it help everyone
- 线性判别方法,人脸数据库上的LDA程序,基于Mattlab,供学习使用 ,经测试可直接使用。 -The linear discriminant method, the LDA program, on the face database based on Mattlab, for learning to use, has been tested and can be used directly.
- 此程序完成了DAtagridvieww控件的一些常用功能,共其他程序员参考, -This process is completed some common features of DAtagridvieww control total of the other programmers reference
- CSHARP winform下访问ACCESS数据库的两种不同方法合DataGridVieew下导出Excel的两种不同方法的代码,一种是直接生成,一种是通过打开模板写入,希望能用上。 -The the CSHARP winform two different ways to access ACCESS database together the code of the export Excel DataGridVieew under the two different methods, o
- 实用可能的主成分分析(PCA)与线线性判别分析(LDA),训练与检测, -The utility may be the principal component analysis (PCA) and the line of linear discriminant analysis (LDA), training and testing,
- 使用NEC系列的78F0527开发一款电能表的源程序。带LCCD显示,485BUS和红外抄表功能。,已通过测试。 -Source using the NEC Series 78F0527 to develop an energy meter. With LCCD, the 485BUS and infrared meter reading function. , Has been tested.