- 构造并完成飞镖游戏的蒙特卡罗模拟,规则是 飞镖板的区域 分数 飞镖板的区域 分数 飞镖板的区域 分数 牛眼 50 蓝环 15 白环 5 黄环 25 红环 10 以牛眼中心为圆心,每个环的半径为 环 宽度(英寸) 从圆心到环的外边缘距离 环 宽度(英寸) 从圆心到环的外边缘距离 牛眼 1.0 1.0 红环 3.0 8.0 黄环 1.5 2.5 白环 4.0 12.0 蓝环 2.5 5.0 飞镖板的半径为12英寸。 做出关于飞镖投中镖板的概率分布假设
- 利用加权的排列熵算法WPE,通过白噪声加冲激信号的测试-Using the weighted permutation entropy algorithm WPE, through the white noise plus impulse signal test
- MATLAB jplv7压缩包,内涵GARCH/SPACE等运行code
- 是一个讲解十分详细的模型预测控制入门教程(Is a very detailed tutorial on model predictive control)
- 是一个风速预测模型。适合初学者对ARIMA的理解(It is a wind speed prediction model. Suitable for beginners to understand ARIMA -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------
多目标粒子群算法 _matlab
- MOPSO算法有详细说明,能够良好运行,出pareto图(MOPSO algorithm is described in detail, able to run well, generate the Pareto Diagram)
- 基于MATLAB/SIMULINK的零电压移相全桥DC/DC变换器仿真。恒压控制。PI。 已经过修改调试,效果良好。 可直接用于借鉴学习。 模型基于matlab R2016b.(Simulation of zero voltage phase shifted full bridge DC/DC converter based on MATLAB/SIMULINK. Constant pressure control. PI. It has been modified and debugg
- 以定子电压和电流为输入,用最小二乘法对异步电机进行参数辨识,包括定子电阻,转子电阻,定子电感,定转子互感。(With the stator voltage and current as the input, the parameters of the induction motor are identified by the least square method, including stator resistance, rotor resistance, stator inductance,
- 计算一维和二维表面粗糙度Ra,根据需要自行选择。(Calculate one and two dimensional surface roughness Ra, according to the needs of your choice.)
- 离散点曲线 进行3次B样条曲线拟合 包括节点参数化过程 基函数计算过程 控制点反求过程 到最后拟合曲线的显示(The discrete point curve is fitted with 3 B spline curves, including the node parameterization process, the basis function calculation process, the control point inversion process, and the final
RUL of battery based on PF
- 粒子滤波算法预测电池寿命。包括电池容量数据和MATLAB程序。(The RUL prediction of battery based on partical filter. Including battery capacity data and matlab code.)
- 永磁同步电机的自抗扰控制仿真模型,采用了速度电流环控制。(Simulation model of active disturbance rejection control for permanent magnet synchronous motor)