- 超简单的计算器 Ultra simple calculator-Super simple calculator Ultra simple calculator
- 通过对WLAN无线局域网安全的现状分析,结合其自身实际工程经验-Through analyzing the status quo of WLAN wireless LAN security, combined with its own actual engineering experience
- 易语言Excel表格加密源码例程程序结合易语言系统核心支持库,实现了对Excel表格加密的功能。-Easy language Excel table encryption source routine procedures combined with easy language core support library, to achieve the function of the Excel table encryption.
- 易语言网吧会员系统源码例程程序结合易语言高级表格支持库,模拟了简单网吧会员管理系统,有充值,自动计算消费和办理会员的功能。-Easy language Internet bar member system source routine procedures combined with easy language advanced forms support library, simulation of a simple Internet bar membership management sys
- 易语言火星文解码器源码例程程序结合易语言通用对象支持库,实现了火星文与简体中文互换的功能-Easy language source code for the language of Mars decoder routines combined with easy language common object support library, to achieve the exchange of simplified Chinese characters and Mars
- 易语言网卡流量监视源码例程程序结合易语言应用接口支持库,实现了监视流量和CPU内存的使用率功能。-Easy language network traffic monitoring source routine procedures combined with easy language application interface support library, to achieve the monitoring traffic and CPU memory usage.
- 易语言语音背单词源码例程程序结合易语言文本语音转换支持库命令,完成了语音读写,对错判断和单词搜索功能。-Easy language voice back word source routine procedures combined with easy language voice conversion support library commands, the completion of the voice to read and write, right and wrong judgment
- 易语言加密记录源码例程程序结合易语言超级菜单支持库命令,通过加载模块实现了在记录文本时进行加密。-Easy language source code encryption routines routines combined with easy language super menu support library commands, by loading the module to achieve a record in the text encryption.
- 易语言随机曲线图形源码例程程序使用画板,根据曲线公式随机画曲线。 -Easy language random curve graphics source routine procedures using the drawing board, according to the curve of the random curve.
- 易语言局域网计算机监控源码例程程序结合易语言网络通讯支持库和应用接口支持库,实现局域网计算机的监控。 -Easy language LAN computer monitoring source routine procedures combined with easy language network communication support library and application interface support library, LAN computer monitoring
- 鱼刺类_多线程应用v5.1模块源码,非原创!-Fishbone class _ multi-threaded applications V5.1 module source code, non original!
- 易语言QQMD5源码例程程序结合易语言数据操作支持库,调用API函数实现QQ最新MD5算法。 -Easy language QQMD5 source routine procedures combined with easy language data operations support library, call the API function to achieve the latest MD5 algorithm QQ.