- Beginning-C-Through-Game-Programming-Second-Edition A good book to learn C By Michael Dawson
- C语言详细教学,从基础到:进阶使用均有完整教学,祝大家大有斩获-C language teaching, from basic to advanced use are full of teaching, I wish you all have much to gain
- C语言详细教学,从基础到:进阶使用均有完整教学-C language teaching, from basic to advanced use are full of teaching, I wish you all have much to gain
- C語言詳細教學,從基礎到進階使用均有完整教學,祝大家大有斬獲-C language teaching, from basic to advanced use are full of teaching, I wish you all have much to gain
- 该书清楚明了的介绍了一些C和C++的不同,通过条款一款一款的讲明了C++的一些特点和用法-The book clearly describes a number of C and C++, through the provision of a statement to the C++ some characteristics and usage
- 该书比较详细的介绍了C++语言,稍有难度,较为适合有一定基础的程序员来学习和提高-The book is a detailed introduction of the C++ language, slightly difficult, more suitable for a certain basis for programmers to learn and improve
- c语言的入门程序 显示和加法 很简单的大家-c language entry program Display and addition We look at very simple
- windows核心编程,介绍windows的工作机制和程序员在windows平台上要注意的问题,很不错,分享一下。-windows core programming, introduced the issues to be aware of the working mechanism and programmers of the windows on the windows platform.
- ip高性能测试方法, 高性能测试方法-method of ip high performance tests
- 写一个程序,它允许用户输入一个名字,程序应该进行读取,然后在男孩和女孩中查找相同的名字,如果发现,就输入名字的排名和性别。如果没有匹配项,程序也要进行报告。 例如:输入名字Matthew ,程序显示Mattew is ranked 4 in popularity among boys. 输入 dsflanmrkrgsd,程序显示dsflanmrkrgsd is not ranked among the top 1000 girl name.-Write a program, it all
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- 打开Excel,导出数据到Excel中(通过一个数据表或则是数组形式)-open excel to a datagridview and put the data out on excel