- xs 141定位 小数位
- tree 使用c++实现了如何随机生成N个节点的森林!
- UART A simple preoteus based design to display the characters typed int the keyboard into LCD using of 8051.Plz make sure that TTL to RS232 is inserted in between the microcontroller and virtual terminal which is not shown in the design.
- diffEclat.tar 将关联规则挖掘算法修改为关联分类算法
- sydqem DELPHI dormitory management system
- UVA 03的代码,能够适应在rcsoccerserver12或13版本运行-UVA 03 Sourcecode,fix server 12.x or server 13.x problem。
- Using Keypad matrix 5x5 on ATMEGA 8535
- an examle of a java program that shows how theareds a working.
- 本系统可以再帮助教师自动生成系统,教师只需要输入各类章节的难度比例和每类题的分数,就可以生成试卷了。试卷以WORD形式生成,方便教师自主编辑和修改。-The system can automatically generate the system to help teachers, teachers only need to enter all types of sections and the difficulty of the proportion of the scores for eac
- 猫捉老鼠小游戏 MFC做的 可以自由输入老鼠的个数 直至捉完为止 挺好玩的 -Cat and mouse game of MFC are free to enter so the number of rats until the end to catch up to good fun
- a program that shows the multiple inheritance in Visual C-a program that shows the multiple inheritance in Visual C++
- the application below demonstrates how to create and implement virtual classes in C-the application below demonstrates how to create and implement virtual classes in C++
- 运用c++语言编程,利用随机数产生迷宫(内含两种方法)~-Maze using random number generator (containing the two methods) ~
- 小时候最喜欢的经典游戏,超级马丽,呵呵!-Childhood favorite classic games, Super Ma, Ha ha!
- 本程序运用线段树+离散化+扫描线的方法来求解矩形周长问题。是运用线段数解题的经典应用之一。-This procedure using discrete segment of the tree++ scan line approach to solving the problem of rectangular perimeter. Segment is to use a number of problem-solving one of the classic applications.
- 对图像进行中值滤波使得图像更加的光滑有利于进一步的研究-In image filtering makes the image more conducive to smooth the further study
- GE PLC行业应用成功案例—电力 核电 GE Fanuc 的CIMPLICITY HMI 和系列90-30 PLC 在核电中的应用 火电 FIX软件在荆门热电厂热控系统改造中的应用 OpenProcess 在热电系统中的应用 GE Fanuc 的PACSystems RX7i PLC 在凤台电厂全厂辅网实施中的应用 在火电厂灰渣集控中用GE Fanuc 杭州集益科技-您身边的GE PLC专家 -GE PLC Industry Success Stories- Nuclear power