- 常用的一些数学算法集,对编程有很大的帮助-commonly used some mathematical algorithms set of programming be of great help
- 本文通过向大家介绍一个.Net平台上用C#写的可以停放在任务栏上的图标程序(类似于Flashget、OICQ那种系统托盘图标)来和大家一起体验一下用C#编程的乐趣。 -this paper to introduce a. Net platform using C# writing can be accommodated in the task bar icon (similar to Flashget, OICQ kind of system tray icon) to join and exp
- 书籍Csharp案例开发配套源代码,大案例和小案例齐全,适合初中级程序员-books Csharp case supporting the development of source code, cases and cases full of small, suitable for junior-level programmers
csharp编程 实例
- csharp编程实例包括了从基本的csharp编程到高级编程的实例-csharp programming examples from basic to advanced programming csharp programming examples
- delphi中19个极好的数据控件不可错过呀-were 19 excellent data control not to be missed ah
- 这是一个演示数字自控系统的实例,可以直接调试通过,很适合于学习使用-This is a demonstration of digital control system examples, and can directly debugging, is well suited to learning
- 这是一个关于TestMappin的程序,可以直接调试通过,非常适合于学习使用-on TestMappin procedures can be directly debugging, very suitable for use in learning
探测Windows系统信息(Native API)vc++
- 探测Windows本机系统信息(Native API) 程序使用vc++开发,主要利用系统API函数完成获取系统信息的功能!-detect the Windows System Information (Native API) procedures using vc development, mainly use the system API completed the acquisition of information systems function!
- 一个用于台湾产的采集器的编译器及我自己做的一些实例代码,还有中文帮助文件若干。可以用于有需要的下载交流-Taiwan for producing a collection of compiler and I made some examples of code, there are a number of Chinese help files. It can be used to download the necessary exchange
- 在WINDOWS下模式磁盘,是核心编程部分,采用DDK+C环境,可以对磁盘结构和利用有明确的认识-virtual disk under the Windows operation system, it s a part of windows kernel programming, developed under the DDK and C environment. You can have a clear understanding of the disk structrue and usage
- USB驱动开发的例子,可以有效的实现对USB口的支持,对于初学者是个很好的例子-USB Driver Development example, can effectively achieve the USB support, for a newcomer, is a very good example
- 对于windows下实现利用文件实现虚拟硬盘而言,这个例子非常有意义,而且代码写的非常规范-under windows for the use of the virtual drives documents, the case is very meaningful, but the code was very norms