- 最近用delphi开发了一个上位机平台,非常好用,包含了示波器,串口,数据库等多项功能,相信对相关开发有很大帮助,Delphi recently developed a PC platform, is very easy to use, includes oscilloscopes, serial, database and other functions, I believe related to the development of much help in
- C++实现的应用直方图程序.自己可绘制直方图的源代码.-Histogram program. C++ to achieve their own draw a histogram of the source code.
- 在VC6.0基础上开发的,数字图像处理软件-Developed on the basis in VC6.0, digital image processing software
- Visual C++.net 2005 开发环境的串口通信测试程序,本程序可以向下位机发送一些命令字,接收图像数据并显示出来。-Visual C++. Net 2005 . the serial communication program, which can send down a number of command-bit machine word, receiving image data and display it.
- 本软件主要是用于串口调试,也可以在此基础上进行二次开发,开发出一想要的功能软件,这是因为提供了串口原代码。-This software is mainly used for debugging serial port can also be carried out on this basis, the secondary development of the function you want to develop a software that provides a serial port t
- 用C++编的扫雷小游戏,与原XP的一模一样,希望大家喜欢-Using C++ code of mine game, exactly the same as the original XP, hope you like
- 1、一个可以自选图形和难度的拼图游戏,选择不同的底图,再选择难度,就可以开始游戏了。 2 在做拼图游戏时,拼图旁边有钟表计时器,还有两个按钮,点击后分别显示一个完整的小图形和拼图拼好后的图形。 3 难度越大,拼图的块越多,越有挑战性,玩家可以随意改变三种难度的一种,并有五种不同的底图供玩家按喜好选择。 -1, an optional graphics and difficult puzzle game, choose a different base map, then select
- 是一个MFC程序,可以实现控件功能 其中的界面非常漂亮 也可以当作模板哦-Is an MFC program, you can achieve the control function of which is very beautiful interface, can also be used as the template Oh
- IBM实用JSF技术实现的小型电子商务网站 适合学习JSF者提高-IBM practical JSF technology to achieve a small e-commerce sites for the increase of learning JSF
- 可以实现地震(*.segy)数据的读取,二维剖面的显示。而且可以显示重要参数。-Can achieve the earthquake (*. segy) data read, two-dimensional profile of the show. But also reveals the important parameter.
- 单链表的实现学习编程,仅仅实现了部分函数的功能,主函数没有任何意义-源语言: 中文 允许输入拉丁字符的拼音请键入文字或网站地址,或者上传文档。 取消 Dān liànbiǎo de shíxiàn xuéxí biānchéng, jǐnjǐn shíxiànle bùfèn hán shǔ de gōngnéng, zhǔ hánshù méiyǒu rènhé yìyì将中文译成英语 英语中文(简体)日语Learning program to achieve a single
- C#写的仿qqsidebar 完美模拟,效果比较好-C# written in perfect imitation qqsidebar simulation, results were better