- 此程序是用MFC单文档编写的图像处理程序,可进行图像翻转,调节对比度,饱和度以及色彩平衡等操作。(This program is written in MFC single document image processing program, can be image flip, adjust contrast, saturation and color balance and other operations.)
- 《挑战程序设计竞赛(第2版)》对程序设计竞赛中的基础算法和经典问题进行了汇总,分为准备篇、初级篇、中级篇与高级篇4章。作者结合自己丰富的参赛经验,对严格筛选的110 多道各类试题进行了由浅入深、由易及难的细致讲解,并介绍了许多实用技巧。每章后附有习题,供读者练习,巩固所学。(The challenge Programming Contest (Second Edition) summarizes the basic algorithm and classic problems in the pr
基础篇 20. STM32 ADC工作原理
- 这一个文件程序用于AD转换,可以把模拟量转换为数字量(This file program is used for AD conversion and can convert analog to digital)
- 史上最全CAD设计图例,只有你想不到的,没有做不到的(The most complete CAD design legend in history is nothing you can't imagine.)
- The example of Slide View Content using Android Studio
- 网上书店网站,可实现登录 交易 后台管理界面(Online bookstore website, you can achieve login, transaction, background management interface)
Unity Shader入门精要
- Unity Shader 入门精要,学习Shader 编程的 入门教程,希望对大家有所帮助,感谢该平台的支持。(Unity Shader introduction of ,Learning Shader programming introductory course, I hope to help you, thanks to the platform support.)
Unity Shader入门精要
- 冯乐乐版本的UnityShader入门到精通,是学习UnitysShader的很好的学习资料资料(Feng Lele version of the UnityShader entry to the master, is to learn UnitysShader good learning materials)
- opengl本身就是一个计算机图形学处理工具,可以利用其绘画出各种精细图形界面,这里在图形界面里导入三维模型obj(OpenGL itself is a computer graphics processing tool. It can draw various fine graphical interfaces by using it. Here we import the 3D model obj into the graphical interface.)
- cef windows 32 开发包,最小的早期开发包-cef window 32
- Fortran mathematic algorythm
写给大忙人看的C++ (1)
- 用于查找C++基础知识的工具书,可方便查询(C++ tools used to find the basic knowledge of the book, you can easily query)