- winamp_songword 使用vc实现了winamp的歌词显示插件
- SerialPort This a Powerful Class For the Serial Port. It allows very easy manipulation of any specified COM port. The Best thing about this code is the way it handles data. There is customizable number of buffers. Pointers to these buffers are rotated as date is either written or read. This results in very reliable transmission as well as low resources usage. The are two threads which ensure that all the data is written or read.
- ClassList 这是一个重载CListCtrl控件的自绘类
- ch10-C-struct-union 结构体操作
- hqcdhho 一个使用MS VC++ 6
- eye recognition, special for iris recognition
- 适合初学者的MSP430F169中文手册(MSP430F169 manual for beginners)
- 分水岭分割算法是实现高分辨率遥感影像的分割。里面有各个详细的函数,可直接运行(To achieve remote sensing image segmentation)
[歌林二代] 贴片机软件 -2016-6-13
- 贴片机控制软件,配专用控制板,可以构成泛用贴片机。(Chip mounter control software, with special control board, can constitute a universal placement machine.)
- MT5 Manager API 系统管理案例,VC++源代码,对初学者有很大帮助。(MetaTrader 5 Manager API example code, c++ code)
- JDKA安装包 1.645版本的欢迎大家来下载(JDKA installation package 1.645 version of welcome everyone to download)
- delphi webbroker + extjs 开发web应用(delphi webbroker + extjs)
- Game and Graphics Programming for iOS and Android with OpenGL ES 2.0书籍源码-Game and Graphics Programming for iOS and Android with OpenGL ES 2.0 Source Books
- 依时利SDK及Demo(delphi_C#)20140911
- 武林外传私服登录器源码现在分享出来 集合网关,点卡充值一体的一款比较完善的登录器(The source code is now shared)
- STM32移植UCOS+UCGUI,亲测可用,里面很多c文件,没有用到,但是可以借鉴别人怎么写的,怎么切换界面的等等(Porting UCOS and UCGUI on STM32. there are many source files, not used, but can learn from others about how to write, such as how to switch the interface and so on)
- 提取人脸特征点,检测闭眼,根据闭眼持续时间,判断是否是疲劳(Extracting face feature points, detecting closed eyes, judging whether it is fatigue according to the duration of closed eye.)