- DCODEANDENCODE 字符串加密解密!算法很简单!抛砖引玉之用!请不要扔板砖!
- brain 神 经 网 络 的 资 料
- STL.zip source code from Mastering The Standard C++ Classes using C++. 1) The source code listings from each chapter can be found in the listings directory. The listings directory is divided by chapter. 2) A html quick reference for the most commonly used C++ classes can be found in the html directory. To use this html reference use your browser to select the \html directory. Open the file named index.htm
- m_seq 利用MATLAB实现的产生M序列的程序及自动产生本原多项式的程序
- 128bitCLA 128位CLA 采用kogge
- mvc5sheep 基于MVC的C++五子棋游戏源码
- windows ie安全补丁-windows ie security patches
- using plane wave expansion to solve band structure
- Zero crossing rate using short-time processing Other audio features
- 四则运算的逆运算,可以当做一个小游戏来用。很错的啊-Four inverse operations, can serve as a small game to use. Very wrong ah
- vb.net摄像头拍照 Imports System Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices Imports System.Drawing Imports System.Drawing.Imaging Public Class Cam -The vb.net camera camera Imports System Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices Imports System.Drawin
- 用matlab编写义勇军进行曲旋律简单优美-Prepared using matlab simple and beautiful melody Anthem
- 这是一款经典的飞机大战游戏,这里提供了玩家部分程序,包括飞机火力控制以及移动、爆炸效果触发等内容。-This is a classic World War II aircraft game, here are the players part of the program, aircraft fire control and mobile, including triggering explosions and other content.
- Modulation QAM 16 bits
- some offsets in the Z80 s memory space.
- Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
- C objects to be exported one extension module to another. -C objects to be exported one extension module to another.
- This contains symbol and structure definitions used in supporting the old v1 protocol. They were previously defined in yp_prot.h. -This contains symbol and structure definitions used in supporting the old v1 protocol. They were previously defined