Stripmap SAR on Matlab
- A Matlab code tbat generates stripmap SAR images with a variety of parameters to adjust image properties, e.g., slow-time, fast-time and range resolution.
Transmit beamforming for BPSK modulation
- This Matlab code is for computing the BER for BPSK modulation in a Rayleigh fading channel with and without transmit beamforming.
Selection diversity in Rayleigh fading channel
- This Matlab code is for computing the SNR improvement in Rayleigh fading channel with selection diversity.
Receive diversity for BPSK modulation
- Matlab code for computing the BER for BPSK modulation in a AWGN channel with receive diversity.
ios14.6 越狱工具
- 支持A11以下cpu越狱,A11设备要关闭屏幕密码保护。
Alamouti Space Time Block Coding for 2x2 MIMO
- Matlab code for computing the BER for BPSK modulation in a Rayleigh fading channel with Alamouti Space Time Block Coding two transmit antenna and two Receive antenna.
Alamouti Space Time Block Coding 2x1 System
- Matlab code for computing the BER for BPSK modulation in a Rayleigh fading channel with Alamouti Space Time Block Coding Two transmit antenna, 1 Receive antenna.
FMCW radar simulation for SAR
- FMCW radar simulation for SAR is done in Matlab with all necessary explanations, step by step.
- 从时域参数、频域、以及时频域对特征信号进行故障分析,能准确得出轴承的故障类型。
QT 串口操作
- 开发环境:WIN7+QT4.7+QT CREATOR2.8+MINGW 已编译通过测试平台:XP、Win7、ubuntu、tiny210 技术实现:通过第三方串口通信类,解析协议并作出处理 基本功能: 1:支持16进制数据发送与接收。 2:支持windows下COM9以上的串口通信。 3:自动加载对应操作系统串口号。 4:实时显示收发数据字节大小以及串口状态。 高级功能: 1:可自由管理需要发送的数据,每次只要从下拉框中选择数据即可,无需重新输入数据。
- 基于贝叶斯压缩感知的变分贝叶斯稀疏恢复代码,是入行压缩感知,变分推断的良好入门代码
- 1602字符液晶工作于8位模式直接驱动显示