- 目标器件: C8051F02x 编译工具: Silicon Laboratories IDE 程序说明:此程序首先对时钟芯片写入初值,延时后再读取时钟值,并年,月,日,时,分,秒分别显示在LCD屏上。 -target Components : C8051F02x compiler tools : Silicon Laboratories IDE procedures : This procedure first right into the initial clock chip, c
- 目标器件: C8051F02x 编译工具: Silicon Laboratories IDE 程序说明: 此程序动态扫描键盘,当有按键按下时,将此键转换成对应的数字键值,同时蜂鸣器响一声-target Components : C8051F02x compiler tools : Silicon Laboratories IDE procedures Note : This procedure dynamic scanning keyboard, When a button press,
- 此程序用于测试教学实验机c8051f020的LED数码管示,程序运行时LED将轮流点亮,显示从0到9之间的数字。-this procedure for testing experimental aircraft C8051f020 teaching LED digital control said, procedures will be carried out when the LED lights, shown from 0-9 between the figures.
- StepMotor此程序通过c8051f020I/O口驱动步进电机-StepMotor this procedure c8051f020I / O Stepper Motor Driver
- Incorporating Prior Knowledge in Cubic Spline Approximation - Application to the Identification of Reaction Kinetic Models-Incorporating Prior Knowledge in Cubic Sp Approximation line-Application to the Identi fication of Reaction Kinetic Models
- 这个程序可以在该液晶模块上显示二行字符:Welcom To NCD,www.xhl.com.cn 此程序用8位数据线来驱动液晶-this procedure can be in the LCD displayed on two Character : Welcom To NCD. www.xhl.com.cn this procedure with eight data lines to LCD Driver
- 程序接收红外发射过来的数据,接收解码后由CPU读取,程序运行前将S2都拨到ON.J17短接第一和第二脚。 -procedures for receiving infrared fired up the data after receiving decoders read by the CPU. pre-operational procedures will have to transfer S2 ON.J17 shorted the first and second legs.
- Genetic Programming MATLAB Toolbox 遗传算法程序很好-Genetic Programming MATLAB Toolbox GA - good order
- Star plots - MATLAB files for Graphical Representation of trace elements of clinkers-- MATLAB files for Graphical Rep. resentation of trace elements of clinkers
- 自己课程设计写的程序,用FPGA控制ADC0809的转换时序来完成模/数转换,然后将转换完的数字信号传递给0832-write their own curriculum design process, Connection between ADC 0809 FPGA control the timing to complete the conversion analog / digital conversion, End then converting the digital signal to
- A Simple Fuzzy Classifier based on Inconsistency Analysis of Labeled Data-A Simple Fuzzy Classifier based on Inconsi Labeled stency Analysis of Data
- 一阶和三阶全通系统的建立 用MATLAB语言实现-a band and the third-order all-pass system of using Matlab