- ucosII的33个经典例题,均调试通过的,学习ucosII的捷径,强烈推荐!因文件太多,分成了5个上载,请大家谅解!-ucosII of 33 classic examples, both through debugging and learning ucosII shortcut, strongly recommended! Because too many documents, divided into five available, please understanding!
- 数值计算源代码,包括二分法,弦截法,龙贝格算法,下山法,牛顿迭代法-numerical source code, including the dichotomy, chord sheet, Lung Bergh algorithm, the mountain, the Newton iterative method
- ucos_II的33个经典例题,均调试通过的,学习ucos_II的捷径。强烈推荐!因代码太多只有一次上传6个,分成了5次上载。-ucos_II of 33 classic examples, both through debugging and learning ucos_II shortcut. Strongly recommended! Because too many code only once Upload six, divided into five available.
- 具有移位运算功能的模型机设计实验报告-shift computing with the experimental model aircraft design report! !
- CMCRC.ASM is a simple program just to demonstrate how to compute the CRC-16 and CRC-32 using the crc16_table and crc32_table that were generated by CRCTABLE. -CMCRC.ASM is a simple program just to demon strate how to compute the CRC-16 and C
- 串口程序,一个很好的Linux、Unix下的串口,并口程序源代码-Serial procedures, a very good Linux, Unix Serial, Parallel source code
- Hopfield网络是一种典型的单层反馈网络,这种网络可以分为离散型和连续型两种,Hopfield网络是一个动力学系统,在确定连接权重后,若输入某个向量之后,网络将不断演化,一般情况下系统将趋向某一个定态,称为状态空间的不动点吸引子。-Hopfield network is a typical single-layer feedback network, Such networks can be divided into discrete and continuous two, the Hopf
- CMAC网络最初主要用来求解机械手的关节运动。W.T.Miller等人把CMAC网络成功的运用到机器人的控制上,S.Cetinkunt等又将其运用到高精度机械工具的伺服控制。-CMAC initially used primarily for the manipulator joint movement. W. T. Miller and others CMAC network used successfully in the control of the robot, S. Cetinkunt
- INI文件读写类,C++编写,使用stl。任意C++编译器均可使用,可在任意平台上编译。-INI file reading and writing categories, C, the use of stl. Arbitrary C compiler can use, it can be arbitrary platform compiler.
- Kohonen 网络模拟大脑神经系统自组织特征映射的功能,它是一种竞争式学习网络,在学习中能无监督地进行自组织学习。-Kohonen network simulation system cerebral self-organizing feature mapping function, It is a competitive learning networks, the study can be carried out without supervision from the organizat
- 讯鑫 Sql Server 日志清理工具(免费源码) 1.0.0 清除、压缩 SqlServer 的日志,支持多日志文件的SQLSERVER数据库日志,能将十几G的日志文件清理成十几兆。 SQL SERVER 修复,SQL恢复,误删除表,SQL 数据恢复,SQL SERVER 数据库恢复修复,SQL 找回业务 使用数据库的过程中,由于断电或其他原因,有可能导致数据库出现一些小错误,比如检索某些表特别慢,查询不到符合条件的数据等. 出现这些情况的原因,往往是因为数据库
- Hamming 神经网络从功能上来看是最小Hamming 距离分类器.利用它能够完成不完整输入信息与所存储模式的最小汉明距离分类. Hamming 网络是一个双层神经网络,第一层网(即匹配子网络)是用来计算输入模式与该网络已经学习过的各样本之间的匹配测度.第二层网(即竞争子网络)接收从匹配子网络送来的未知模式与已存各样本的匹配测度,然后经过多次迭代运算就可以求得与输入模式相匹配的样本.-Hamming neural network from the functional point o