- 十分简洁强大的支付代码实例demo,以及示范性的开发文档(A very concise and powerful payment code instance demo, as well as an exemplary development document)
- GE注入器代码,DLL注入器,全平台注入,全系统注入。不崩溃(GE injector all system auto download core dll)
- tell me why i should upload this
Part3 Control & Evaluation
- to nice a be good one of no one
Part2 Planning
- to be good man and upload all you want
Part 1 Overview
- gg for porject managment for this world
- Launch your device-to-computer synchronization application. This will be either Microsoft ActiveSync or Microsoft Windows Mobile Device Center, depending on your operating system. For more information about installing and running a synchronization ap
- You repair the installation in Control Manager. The exact steps vary with the version of Windows and whether or not you are using the Classic View of Control Manager, but the essentials are the same: Highlight the package of emulator images (it will
- On the Start menu, select All Programs and then Windows Mobile 6 SDK. If this node has a child node called Standalone Emulator Images, skip the next step and continue with the procedure Launch an Emulator. If this node does not have a child node call
- Thanks for the scr ipt. Here is the batch working also within Win7 command prompt: Code: @ECHO OFF cls REM Purpose: This batch file creates complete dump of NK.BIN provided REM Author: jwoegerbauer REM Date: 2013-01-03 REM License: GPL v3
- WINCE for install apps UPDATE: The Dumprom.exe in 'Nkbintools' package provided sets the 'machine type" for all PE-files dumped as MIPS R4000. Might be that's not what you wanted. Hence you should know that Dumprom.exe contains at offset 0x1
- Always frustrated to manually perform these 3 steps Quote: 1) viewbin.exe nk.bin => write down START and LENGTH 2) cvrtbin -r -a START -w 32 -l LENGTH nk.bin 3) dumprom.exe -d dump -v -5 nk.nb0 needed to dump a NK.BIN? You can get helped