- 输入一个小于20的正整数n,要求按从小到大的顺序输出所有的n位二进制数,每个数占一行。(Enter a positive integer that is less than 20, and you want to output all of the n-bit binary Numbers in the order of small to large, each of which is a row.)
- 在一个圆形操场的四周摆放着n堆石子(n<= 100),现要将石子有次序地合并成一堆。(A round playground is surrounded by n heap stones (n<= 100), and the stones are now sequently merged into a pile.)
- poj3254的答案, 含有比较详细的注释(The source code of poj3254 contains more detailed annotations)
- 1、Tom和Jerry轮流从堆中取出k粒花生米吃掉,k可以是1,5,10中的任意一个数字; 2、为显示规则的公平性,Jerry可以选择先取或者后取。 Jerry当然还是希望最后一粒花生米被Tom吃掉。请计算,Jerry为了达到目的应该先取还是后取(1. Tom and Jerry took out the k peanuts and ate them from the heap. K could be any number in 1, 5, and 10. 2. To show the
- poj1042的源代码,含有比较详细的注释(The source code of poj1042 contains more detailed annotations)
- 实现verilog读取温度,在数码管上显示出来,与DS18B20通信,(tempture DS18B20 VERILOG HDL)
- 田忌与齐王赛马,双方各有n匹马参赛(n<=100),每场比赛赌注为1两黄金,现已知齐王与田忌的每匹马的速度,并且齐王肯定是按马的速度从快到慢出场,现要你写一个程序帮助田忌计算他最好的结果是赢多少两黄金(输用负数表示)。(Tian and the king's horse racing, the two sides each have n horse (n < = 100), each match bet 1 two gold, are now known to the king of
- 理解频域处理与空间域处理的等效关系与步骤,掌握频域相乘与空间域循环卷积之间的对等关系,理解DFT运算中补零的效果。(Understand the equivalent relationship and steps of frequency domain processing and space domain processing, understand the reciprocal relationship between frequency domain multiplication and
- 理解图像空间滤波的实现步骤,掌握平滑、锐化两类空间滤波的区别,了解线性与非线性滤波差别(Understand the realization steps of image spatial filtering, grasp the difference between smoothing and sharpening two types of spatial filtering, and understand the difference between linear and non-linear
- 输入一个小于10的正整数n,按把每个元素都交换到最前面一次的方法,输出前n个小写字母的所有排列。(Enter a positive integer n less than 10 and press every element to the top of the list to output all the first n lowercase letters.)
- (1) 掌握直方图均衡的算法原理,理解彩色直方图均衡存在的问题 (2) 了解精确直方图匹配的算法原理,了解算法的实际效果。((1) grasp the algorithm principle of histogram equalization, understand the problems of color histogram equalization (2) Understand the algorithm principle of exact histogra
- 图像处理系统的输入是图像,主要有灰度图像、索引图像、RGB图像和二值图像四类,了解这四类图像的存储结构(Image processing system input is the image, there are grayscale images, index images, RGB images and binary images of the four categories, understand the four types of image storage structure)