- 数据分析基础,用于基础分析,及建模的基础代码。有效用。(Computer Vision with Python, Computer Vision with Python)
Natuseko Protrader 4H
- 搜索信号 抛物线指标 RSI 指数均线 (EMA)自动平仓,(Search signal The parabolic index RSI exponent line (EMA) is automatically flat,)
- RFID使用模块,基于正点原子战舰开发板上的代码,读取IC卡号(RFID uses the module to read the IC card number based on the code on the positive point atomic warship development board)
Library Manage System
- 用wxWidgets做的一个图书馆管理系统,(based on wxWidgets, a library manage system)
- 利用QT软件开发的小游戏,可以再休闲的时候玩玩(game IS ka ads ko a[ d;ak osud)
- music算法估计DOA,寻求谱峰对应的角度,即为所需估计得角度(The music algorithm estimates the DOA and seeks the angle corresponding to the spectral peak, that is, the required angle of estimation.)
- 二维情况的chan定位算法,1994年原版论文代码实现,可以支持远近和linear nonlinear四种模式(2 dimension chan algorithm, TDOA localization. Including near, far field and linear nonlinear sensor array)
- 用于图像预处理,特征提取,和识别,基于labview的手势识别系统研究(Research on image preprocessing and gesture recognition system based on LabVIEW)
target detection
- 在控制信噪比情况下,做出常阈值的雷达信号探测。实验表明信噪比越大,雷达探测效果越好(Under the control of SNR,these codes can simulate the target detection using constant threshold.Meanwhile,with the rise of SNR,the performance of the target detection gets better.)
Worm viruses
- 简易的蠕虫病毒程序,适用于新手以及对此感兴趣的程序员(Simple worm virus program)
- java中文版API大全 简单易用 有需要的可以放心使用(The Chinese version of the Chinese version of C++ is easy to use and can be used safely and easily.)
- OpenSceneGraph(OSG)是一个基于工业图形标准OpenGL的高层次图形开发APl接口,一款开放源代码的、具备商业级别渲染能力的实时三维渲染引擎,在国内外均已得到广泛的应用,并且已经有越来越多的虚拟现实行业开发者加入到OSG开发的行列中来。(OpenSceneGraph (OSG) is based on a high level graphics development APl interface graphics standard OpenGL, real-time 3D ren