- S7_Pro6 一个S7
- xf86-video-ati-X11R7.2-6.6.3 x.org上有关ati系列显卡最新驱动
- FluidPipelineSimulinkModels These Simulink blocks contain transfer functions that model the pressure and flow transients for axisymmetric 2D viscous flow of a compressible fluid in a straight rigid circular cross section pipelines. Three models are available: (1) pressures at the ends (2) flow rates at the ends (3) pressure at one end and flow rate at the other Filtering is incorporated to reduce numerical oscillation (Gibbs phenomenon). See J. Dyn. Systems
- 《长空激战》手机游戏 这是为参加软件大赛而写的一个手机游戏
- CoorTrans GPS坐标转换算法
- OPERATOR_OVERLOADING A great insight into operator overloading in c/c++. Overloading operators in class operations is always a hectic for beginners. I hope this will be an easy source to take some hint from regarding how the operators are overloaded. Created using Turbo C/C
- 应用遗传算法求函数最优解,采用c++编程,包括三个文件。建议迭代次数大于等于100(Application of genetic algorithm to optimal solution of function)
- 短发的算法的司法吴二二二二二二恶的萨法撒的范德萨发撒的范德萨发死的范德萨(eererdfafasfdsafdsfdsfsdfdsafsadfasdfsadfdsfsad fsadfsafadfasdfdsfsdfdsafsdafdsafsafsafasfsafsafsafsafdsafdsfdsafdsfdsfdsdf aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa)
实验17 ADC实验2
- TSL1401属于线性CCD,也可以叫做线阵,线性CCD只能采集一行的可视像素。(TSL1401 belongs to linear CCD, also called linear array, and linear CCD can only capture one line of visible pixels)
- 直接动态加载点云模型 由.xyz的点云数据 转化为 .osgb格式 然后可以直接用这个软件加载(Point cloud model of direct dynamic loading)
- 能实现上下左右 快速下降 消除还有闪烁的效果(Can achieve the top down, left and right, rapid decline, eliminate flashing effect)
Visual Assist X 2108
- Visual Studio 编程平台开发插件,附带破解文件及安装说明(Visual Studio programming platform development plug-in, accompanied by broken files and installation instructions)
- NXP freescale P1010 cpu 用户手册,开发必备(nxp freescale p1010 cpu user manual)
- this code for accousting path finder
- 基于stm51 单片机的数模转换程序可以实现从数字量到模拟量的转换程序 改程序是基于51单片机的程序(Stm51 microcontroller based digital to analog conversion process, you can achieve from digital to analog conversion process Change the program is based on 51 single-chip procedures)
- 实现V调频信号ISAR成像一维距离像和二维图像,同时可改变注释中代码调整仿真成像的对象以及成像过程中信噪比等问题。(V frequency modulation signal, ISAR imaging, one-dimensional range image and two-dimensional image can be changed, while the code in annotation can be adjusted, the object of simulation imagin
- 很好用的虹膜识别源码 精度高 推荐给大家使用(very good eye OCR source code)
- accoustic path finder