- NI License Activator使用方法,NI公司软件和工具包在没有购买Licee的情况下,只有一段时间的使用期(NI+License+Activator)
- Windows驱动下载pl2303。下载文件:_ PL2303 prolific _ driverinstaller _ v1.18.0b.zip。(PL2303 Windows Driver Download. Download File: PL2303_Prolific_DriverInstaller_v1.18.0B.zip.)
- 关于方程的求解和计算过程,可以较为简单的计算方程的解,可以较为简单的计算特殊二次及非线性方程的解。(With regard to the calculation and calculation of equations, the solution of the equation can be simpler, and the solutions of the two special and nonlinear equations can be relatively simple.)
- 关于常微分方程的求解和计算过程,可以较为简单的计算方程的解,可以较为简单的计算特殊二次及非线性方程的解。(With regard to the calculation and calculation of equations, the solution of the equation can be simpler, and the solutions of the two special and nonlinear equations can be relatively simple.)
- 关于偏微分方程的求解和计算过程,可以较为简单的计算方程的解,可以较为简单的计算特殊线性及非线性方程的解。(With regard to the calculation and calculation of equations, the solution of the equation can be simpler, and the solutions of the two special and nonlinear equations can be relatively simple.)
- 读取 grib文件 气象上常用,十分方便,可直接读取与写入(t is very convenient to read the grib documents and can read and write directly)
- XListCtrl 能修改item背景色、行背景色、做成edit、做成combox、做成check、做成进度条。已经添加了所有缺少文件,VC6.0下四种都可编译。(XListCtrl can modify item background color, line background color, make edit, make combox, make check, make progress bar. All the files have been added, and four can be
- ource Code Pro 是 Adobe 公司号称最佳的编程字体。而且还是开源的。 它非常适合用于阅读代码,支持 Linux、Mac OS X 和 Windows 等操作系统,而且无论商业或个人都可以免费使用。(Ource Code Pro is Adobe's best known programming font. And it's open source. It's ideal for reading code, and supports operating systems suc
- rtmp stream demo ,very good
- 简单实现 Head frist C#里面的赛狗日程序,里面可能有些与原文有些出入,功能还是一样的。(Simple implementation of Head frist C# inside the dog day program, and there may be some little from the original function, is still the same.)
Head First C#(第2版)
- pdf高清文档,仅供初学者学习。内容比较有趣,易懂。(pdf HD documents, for beginners to learn. The content is interesting and easy to understand.)
- 以78K0R和R8C的接班人,具有业界最低的消费水平电流。汽车通用低端微控制器具有各种内置功能用于汽车应用通信和实现功能安全。(The successors to the 78K0R and R8C, with the industry's lowest level of consumption current. Automotive general-purpose low-end microcontrollers with various built-in functions necessar