- 一个房屋租赁网()
- A phpwind9 based (PW9) two development of the class bar paste exchange system, in the PW9 outstanding features on the basis of further optimization, removal of tasteless function, user-friendly core functions. Apply to the topic of interest, gather u
- 超市销售管理,有具体的分工及管理 ,功能十分完备(Supermarket sales management system)
- Is the source of the main function of invoicing and inventory management system: 1, basic information 2, purchase management 3, inventory management 4, sales management 5, data management Installation instructions Copy the zysale directory to
- 1, a relatively simple PHP message board, the internal has a "personal space", in order to allow users to view and manage their personal messages and other information. 2, the administrator (super user) default user name admin, the passwor
- Demila is a by 9 seconds, the original community oriented digital content and services, beautiful online trading system, except she can provide a website for webmaster solutions, but also for those skilled designers, developers and owners to provide
- With the wind, acquisition system for a PHP thief collection site, open the /API/2.PHP file, which has detailed configuration instructions, modify the contents of which can make the site run properly.
- Lazy audiobook procedures introduced: 1. upload all the files in the folder to your website space 2. if your host is a window operating system, add write permissions to the IIS users of the following folder 3. if your host is a Linux operating sys
- 超市销售管理系统,每个网页都具体描述了其功能,看源码足矣(supermarket sales management system)
- 给予vb.net开发,实现窗体淡入淡出,初学者适用(Implement form fade in)
- 关于珠宝设计的网页,有各种种类分布,完整的网页设计(About jewelry design web pages, there are all kinds of distribution, complete web design)
- 本程序读取心电图图像,生成频谱图,便于医生进行分析,生成各种滤波器。便于后期处理(This program reads the electrocardiogram image, generates the spectral map, facilitates the analysis of the doctor, and generates various filters. post-processing)