- 博客网站,很简单的入门网站,适合刚入门的人看(Blog site, a very simple entry site, suitable for those who have just entered the door to see)
Student management system
- 学生信息管理系统,基于vb+access开发(Student information management)
Get vi's password
- 暴力破解LabVIEW的密码,用于学习LabVIEW编程,对于复杂密码*无力(force to get the LabVIEW code' password, just for learning LabVIEW)
Get vi's password
- 暴力破解LabVIEW的密码,用于学习LabVIEW编程,对于复杂密码*无力(force to get the LabVIEW code' password, just for learning LabVIEW)
Valentine's Day
- 暴力破解LabVIEW的密码,用于学习LabVIEW编程,对于复杂密码*无力(force to get the LabVIEW code' password, just for learning LabVIEW)
- 文件夹里面有许多MATLAB编程的例子,有助于初学者的学习(Folder, there are many examples of MATLAB programming, help beginners learn)
- SHELL 编程, 获取当前 被选中的 explorer 中的文件.(SHELL programming, access to the current selected Explorer files)
Salary management
- 本系统实现中小企业员工薪资管理,系统基于C/S架构(The system to achieve the salary management of small and medium-sized employees, the system based on C / S architecture)
- Source code game tetris c#
- 用鼠标控制飞机射击空中落下的敌机和小蜜蜂和大黄蜂和大boss(Use the mouse to control the aircraft, shooting enemy planes and small bees and hornets and big boss in the sky)
- 定时器,分,秒,类似于秒表,还需要完善,不是做的很好(Timer, minutes, seconds, similar to stopwatch, but also need to improve, did not do wel)
- 封装好的VC找图找色模块,已封装成函数可以直接调用(Packaged VC look for color module)