ADO Import Text into database
- Impor text in to database
ADO Metodo Find
- sample ado to find in database
- 易语言成品模块] 常用全能压缩解压模块(.rar.zip.7z……)[复制链接] ...【常用全能压缩解压模块】 带密码、注释、锁定、删除等功能,全部常用功能等待(password, annotation, lock, delete, and other functions, all commonly used functions to wait)
- 已知两个信号序列: 用conv函数求两个序列的卷积和,并绘制三个序列的波形。(Two signal sequences are known: The convolution sum of two sequences is obtained by using the conv function, and the waveform of the three sequences is drawn.)
- 石像鬼qos的特征库 可以用于智能分流。。。(qos gaorgoyle jhbghhh)
- 简易计算器 可以简单计算加减乘除的算式 使用十分的简单 界面和谐(Clean Calculator Beta)
- Computes approximate significance points of a Pearson curve w()
4-Scuba Diving - Blue
- scuba diving - blue - microsoft word template
5-Tropical Fishes - Blue
- tropical fishes - blue - microsoft word template
6-Wheat Field - Orange
- wheat field - microsoft word template
2-Sky Hot Air Balloon - Blue
- sky hot air - blue - microsoft word template
- 非线性降维, 使用者必须自己准备数据,可以对立面的参数进行修改(nonlinear dimesion reduction,This package is free for academic usage. You can run it at your own risk.)